Good Morning

A great looking day out there starting things off. Sun is shining and a light breeze coming in from the East. Not as hot. Temperatures will rise a wee bit, but we should see sunshine all day. Getting out of bed temperatures were sitting at 13.8 C | 56.84 F. Black Flies are gone for most areas and Mosquitoes are slowing down with this heat we been having. So all in all a great weekend. About time too. On another note I would like to thank Judy, Sandra, Jackie and Julian for dropping by our store yesterday. I hope you girls all enjoy your Flutes. As I say to everyone that buys one … if you have any issues at all, feel free to drop by or Email me and I will be more than happy to help you. In reality there should be no problems. With that I am off for my morning cup of coffee and will let the day unfold around me. A great day for some front porch Sittin’ and remember. The great pleasure in life is doing what people say you cannot do. GW

What life is all about.