What’s Happening On May 8/2022

This Single Tulip has been showing its beauty every spring now for 18 years. All by itself, close to the house. Click on Picture to Enlarge!

It’s another sunny morning here in Port Loring, Ontario. It has warmed up since yesterday morning, with the temperature sitting at 9.4 C | 48.92 F. It will warm up a lot more as the day progresses. Which will make it the best day so far this year weather wise. But in saying that, I am sure there will be a lot more down the road away’s. I am looking forward to getting out in our boat with my fishing buddy Barry this year. I haven’t been out for two years with this virus. My wife and I did try last fall, but had some boat and trailer problems which stopped us. They are fixed now so should be good to go, once I uncover it and get it ready.

No Black Flies or Mosquitoes as yet.

Highway 522 was very busy yesterday with all kinds of vehicles going and coming. Most I haven’t seen before. The LCBO was the busiest store in town. Ha ha. On another note, the grass is sure greening up. I suspect by the way it is growing we will be mowing it next week. I still haven’t seen if our mowers are working as yet, as I have been too busy working on this road-side stand. I have it almost ready, and I am thinking I might finish it today. I have to put the roof on yet, along with finishing up a few small things. I will be happy to see the end of it. Ha Ha.

Other than people are still getting sick from this virus here in town, not much else happening. Stay safe and have a great day. GW

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