What’s Happening In & Around Port Loring, Ontario, Canada on Dec 14/2022

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Good Morning!

It’s a cold morning here in Port Loring. Not as cold as yesterday, but cold, with the temperature sitting at -13.4 C | 7.88 F. Highway 522 is mostly bare this morning, but there are a few icy sections throughout. So extra care should be taken if out and about.

Yesterday my wife and I went to town as we had to take our car into Ford to see about why, our Engine Light was on. I know it wasn’t a serious problem, as I had it checked here in town. The only thing is, no in our area can fix it. And on top of that with the engine light on, the remote start won’t work, and with this cold weather approaching we like it a lot, as we can just stand in front of a window to start it up, and it’s nice and warm when we are ready to go anywhere. Which makes things real nice. We got it to Ford, sat in the waiting room for almost two hours, and they then told us they didn’t have the part, and would call us when it came in. And on top of that, they charged us a lot of money, and it still isn’t fixed. Diagnosis they said Ha ha. Now we have to return to Ford when the part comes in, which we won’t know until they call. Then it will cost us more, not to forget what it costs for gas there and back for two trips. Sure amazes me how these companies can charge so much these days. But it’s not just them, it seems everyone has doubled their prices for the past two years, blaming it on the Virus. An excuse that isn’t warranted in my eyes.

At any rate, once we got out of Ford, we decided to pick up a few things at the grocery store. There again the price of things made us cringe, especially the vegetables. And as I said before, most of what they are selling should be thrown out, as a lot of it was not fit to eat. I told them about it too, for what good it did, as they just looked at me and probably thought to themselves. “Damn seniors always complaining about something.” Ha ha.

At any rate, we did pick up a few things, including another turkey as it was on sale at Independent. We prefer the PC Turkeys over the Butter Ball, as lately the Butterballs have been real dry and tough. Old Birds. We also had to go to a couple other stores before we found some good-looking lettuce. And it sure wasn’t cheap. Sheesh. Once done our running around we picked up a cheddar and cheese sandwich at Tim Hortons, ate in the car, people watching which is something we like to do, and then headed on home … with a car that wasn’t fixed. Other than all that though, we had a real nice day of it, with the roads being good along with the sun shinning down upon us. And it is always nice to take in the sites along the way, with lots of chatting to each other. Which we are good at. We have had lots of practice being married over 50 years now. Ha ha.

Once home my wife put things away, I put some more wood in our wood furnace and we then both sat back enjoying each other’s company while watching a show or two on the television. Great day for most parts, other than not getting our car fixed.

Today we will take it a bit easy. I think I will write up a story or two for my Newspaper columns, which will keep me busy for most of the day.

With that, I am off for some pancakes that my lovely wife is making for me, and will then see what the day has in store. Have a great day and stay, safe as there is a whole mess of people here in town and …. that are sick. We wore our mask all day yesterday along with sanitizing our hands many times. We both hope it kept us safe. A day or so will tell us.

In Closing, I Would Like To Wish You Well. GW

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