
Well another day here in the small quiet town of Port Loring. Had a good breakfast and now settling down to do a bit of writing for a column that I put out each week. You know I got to thinking here about this Blog thing and for most parts I don’t think there will be much adding to different Categories for now as when I talk it is usually here in the Uncategorized one. Simpler I think and if any one wants to read what I have to say its right up front. I guess I am a up front sort of feller anyways. I did manage to get one story ready for press this morning and got it Edited up. I do all my own editing pretty well other than my wife and boys giving me a bit of their wisdom once and awhile. Some I take some I don’t. My writing style is different than mosts. I use simple words and phrases and over the years seem to like them. The story today is on giving (Advice). Can’t get into the whole story but will say this. Never tell folks what they should or should not do. I try and show by passed life experiences when I go to help folks. At least then I know what I am talking about. Well guess will go will probably be back later on just that I got another story that came to mind so had better get it on paper. That’s a good tip on want to be writers. Write things down as soon as you can or for sure you will forget it. Taker easy.

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