Windy Day.

Well another pretty nice day here just a bit windy. Winds are from the South around 10 to 30 MPH so enough wind to blow a fellows hat off once and awhile. Lots of sunshine today but they say temperatures are going to drop over night. High today was around 61 degrees. Had the old wood furnace perkin away here this morning but kind of let it die out this afternoon. So might be a pretty nice night for the trick-er treaters. We don’t get to many up here in this area as there isn’t that many young ones. I think the most we have had since we moved here would be around ten. So we don’t have to spend to much on goodies. I did managed to clean up the last of my leaves today and put them in the garden. Once done I got out the tiller and worked them in so the wind didn’t blow them away on me. Can’t get anything better for a vegetable gardens than dry leaves. Talk Later

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