Well weather is suppose to drop in temperatures tomorrow night, so got busy and planted my Garlic. I got to tell you I sure love the stuff and you can’t get anything more healthier to eat. I put in one row this year which is about twenty feet long. I just take a couple sticks and put a piece of twine from stick to stick. Reason being so I know where they are come spring when I go to plant the rest of the garden. Also it helps me keep a straight row. I don’t know but I got a thing about crooked rows. Once I get the line up I just take my hoe and dig a small trench about four inches deep. I then plant the garlic about five or six inches apart. Once all planted I then like to take a few handfuls of cow manure and sprinkle it over the cloves just before I cover them up. Once covered up I put a bit of straw over the top or leaves depending on what I have on hand. That’s it don’t take no effort at all. One thing to remember though, wash your hands before you have dinner, Hmm I thought my piece of cheddar cheese tasted a bit different. I also took an old white tarp this year and wrapped it around my grape vines as I got froze back last winter. Took all summer to grow new vines so didn’t want that to happen again. Wife likes Concord Grape Jam and if they keep freezing back one don’t get very many bunches. I also took some old half rotten boards I had laying around the place and cut them up for kindling so all set now for starting the old stove in the shop. Sure nice to be able to enjoy life up here in the north and do things that one wants. Talk Soon.