Category Archives: Gardening

Spot for you to do some reading on gardening and staying healthy. Also a great place to put your feet up and relax for a bit.

Humor, Wisdom and Northern Living on April 20/2024

Good Morning! Where the only rush we know is trying to beat the sunset to get the laundry off the line before the dew sets in – talk about living life in the fast lane!

We are all waking up to some sunshine here in the north. The robins are listening for worms, the crackles, sparrows, nuthatches, finches, morning-doves, cow birds, starlings, and the crows all greeted me as I walked to my woodworking shop. Sure nice to see. Some even sit on my hand occasionally. I even spotted a butterfly looking for some flowers, finally settling for some snowdrops in one of our gardens. Pretty hard to top that, for a warm morning greeting.

Highway 522 is bare and dry this morning for those having to do some shopping in the cities. You know, they say good things come to those who wait, and on Highway 522, we’ve got all the time in the world. So what if it takes a little longer to get from point A to point B? It just gives my lovely wife and I more time to enjoy the ride.

On a different topic, yesterday, I spent the entire day in my woodworking shop making the new water wheel for our fishpond. It’s quite a challenging project, but I made some good progress. If things continue as they did yesterday, I should have it completed by tomorrow. Then, once the weather warms up a bit, my wife and I will install the new pond liner. After that, my wife will apply her landscaping design skills. Over the years, she’s created many beautiful gardens for homes. I’ve lost count of how many she’s done, but the ones we worked on together years ago most still look good today.

Today, I’ll be continuing my work in the shop, while my wife tackles washing day with our new machine. The old Sears washer we had served us faithfully for over 40 years. I doubt these newer models will live that long, but only time will tell. My wife has a habit of chatting with household appliances; perhaps that’s why our old washer lasted so long. I can’t deny I engage in a bit of chatter with my tools too, and they seem to appreciate it, believe it or not!

Garden Chatter: You know, there’s a certain rhythm to gardening. It’s like a dance takes place between me, the soil, and Mother Nature herself. Sometimes we step on each other’s toes, but… most times, we end up working together. After all these years, we have gotten to know each other.

With that, I am off for my morning bowl of porridge and an English muffin, with honey on it, that my lovely wife has prepared for me. After that, we will have our regular morning chat over a cup of hot cocoa, and then I will head on out to the woodworking shop, and see how much more sawdust I can make. I made a pile yesterday. Sheesh!

You all have a great day and I will leave you with this: “They say city life is glamorous and exciting, but for my wife and I, there’s nothing nicer than watching the stars come out one by one on a clear, country night.”

Fishing Times for Saturday

Major Times
10:04 AM-12:04 PM
10:23 PM-12:23 AM

Minor Times
4:46 AM-5:46 AM
4:32 PM-5:32 PM

Day Rating: I give it a 2-star rating out of 5 for catching a few. Good Luck!

Fishing Tip of The Day: When fishing from a boat, gently tap submerged stumps or logs with your lure to mimic the sound of prey hitting the water. This sometimes attract predatory fish hiding nearby and if you’re lucky, you’ll have fish in the frying-pan come supper time! GW

Dill Pickle Relish

My lovely wife used the last of our cucumbers for the year making some relish. It sure is going to be tasty on top of a burger, or? So here’s to my cucumber-transforming wife and her relish adventure. Our cucumbers may be gone, but our taste buds are in for a surprise!

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Sour Cherry Pie

Desert Last night was a tasty Cherry Pie Made from our very own Montmorency Cherries grown in Niagara, close to where we had our farm. There is no other cherry that makes pies like they do, but it doesn’t stop there, as the Montmorency Cherry has an uncountable amount of health properties in them. Especially for those with Cancer, Gout and Rheumatism, which is what we old timers called Arthritis in the olden days, as the name Rheumatism covers more than one ailment. Today the so-called Powers That Be, broke it up, so they could sell more drugs My opinion only of course. Anyway, I took a picture of how the pie turned out after I had a piece or two. GW

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The Mullen Plant

You know there are many medicinal plants on this old earth, but here is one that has numerous properties that one can use, from ear aches to coughs that won’t stop. It grew all on its own right outside our door this year, so seeing that I kind of figured it is trying hard to tell us something, so we harvested some of its leaves and flowers just in case. I remember one time I had Bronchial Pneumonia and no matter what the doctors gave me, my cough wouldn’t go away. I coughed so much/hard that I tore a lot of my chest muscles. I then remembered my old friend Grey Wolf saying one time many years ago that Mullen Leaves will help with the coughing. So we took a leave after it was dried, ground it up and then strained it good, as you want to remove the small hairs it has on it. We used an organic coffee filter, not the white ones, the light brown ones. We then made a tea from it and within an hour my coughing subsided. So … Once again, Mother Natures Plants came to my rescue. In this case, the Mullen Plant.

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Rust In Peace, My Old Friend

You know, every so often in one’s life, something comes along that a feller can’t get rid of. In this case, it is an old Roper Riding Mower that the previous owner left me when we bought the place. I do have another, but this one in the picture is special, as it is well over fifty years old. So as a remembrance my lovely wife and I gave it a home for its remaining days out front with a garden around it. The sign says …. RUST IN PEACE. I thought that kind of fitting.

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Flower Garden

Another picture of some flowers out front, which comes back every year. I call them upside down daisies Ha ha, but they are really called …. Helen Flowers. I have to admit, they sure put on a good show this year. They like that manure I put on them last fall.

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Vegetables For Sale, Port Loring

Hi Folks, I thought I would let everyone know that our tomatoes are ready, and I have put some out on the trailer in front of our house for sale. Self Serve. This year I have some yellow low acid ones along with the regular ones Early Girl. I have to tell you, they sure are tasty. They are all organic, I never put any chemicals on them. I don’t have a lot, but I do have some. I also have some nice English Cucumbers and Zucchini for sale, which are also on the trailer. The Cucumbers are somewhat large, but they are real tasty. My wife made up a bunch of relish out of some of them, which turned out real nice. Anyway, they are there for anyone that wants some. Oh, and I also have some Fresh Dug Gaelic for sale. 3 for $5.00

Sweet Cucumber Relish

When it comes to food, there’s something truly special about creating your own culinary masterpieces right in the comfort of your own home. One such delight that brings a smile to my face is homemade sweet pickle relish. This simple yet delightful condiment is a perfect example of how a few basic ingredients, along with homegrown cucumbers, can come together to create something utterly delicious.

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My Views On Carbon Tax

Imagine our planet as a big balancing act. On one side, we have things like trees, plants, and oceans that absorb carbon dioxide (CO2) – that’s the stuff we call carbon. They’re like nature’s vacuum cleaners, taking in CO2 and giving us oxygen to breathe. It’s been happening for millions of years, and it’s one of the reasons our air is clean.

Now, on the other side of the balancing act, there are things like cars, factories, and power plants that release CO2 into the air. This happens when we burn fossil fuels like coal, oil, and gas. The CO2 they produce adds to the natural carbon cycle that’s been going on for ages.

Some people are suggesting a carbon tax. This is like a fee on the things that release CO2. The idea is that if these things cost a bit more, we might use them a little less. The money collected from this tax could also go towards projects that help the environment.

However, some folks think this might not be necessary. They believe that changes in the climate have happened naturally in the past. For example, long ago, places with lots of plants became cold, and then they warmed up again. It’s like the Earth’s thermostat going up and down. They believe that recent climate changes might be part of this natural cycle.

So, their point is that since we have all these trees and plants in Canada that do a great job of soaking up CO2, we might not need to tax people for carbon emissions. They think nature’s already doing its part, and human activities might not be the only cause of climate changes.

In the end, it’s a bit like figuring out a puzzle. Some people think a carbon tax is a good way to help balance things out and reduce our impact on the environment. Others believe that the changes we’re seeing could be part of the Earth’s natural ups and downs. It’s an ongoing conversation with a lot of different perspectives.

Building Homes On The Green Belt

Title: “Preserving Ontario’s Green Belt: A Farmer’s Perspective on the Importance of Agriculture”

As the sun rises over our fertile lands here in Ontario, a farmer’s heart is filled with a deep sense of connection to the soil that sustains us all. Our fields are more than just patches of earth; they are the lifeblood of our communities, providing us with nourishment and sustenance. That’s why the idea of building homes on the cherished green belt strikes at the core of our values and concerns.

The green belt, oh, it’s not just a belt of greenery; it’s a shield that protects our ability to feed our families and communities. When we talk about the green belt, we’re talking about a sanctuary for agriculture, a haven where the magic of growth happens. But the proposal to build homes upon this precious land threatens the delicate balance between our food sources and urban expansion.

Picture this: fields of waving wheat, rows of sturdy corn, and the vibrant hues of ripening tomatoes. This is the symphony of nature’s bounty that our green belt conducts. You see, my friends, the land we farm is not just a canvas for houses; it’s a canvas for life itself. Each acre is a canvas on which we sow the seeds of sustenance, hope, and tradition. It’s a canvas that transforms sunlight, water, and earth into the nourishment that graces our tables.

Now, some might argue that building homes on the green belt is a necessary step for urban growth. But let’s take a moment to ponder the repercussions. When these lands are paved over, not only do we lose valuable agricultural space, but we also disrupt the natural processes that sustain our delicate ecosystem. The rich soil that took generations to nurture is covered in asphalt and concrete, suffocating the very essence of life beneath it.

And what about the impact on our food security? Friends, building homes on the green belt is like tearing pages out of our cookbook for survival. It’s a recipe for disaster, as it shrinks the space we need to cultivate the crops that feed our families. Our ancestors knew the value of these lands, and it’s our duty to carry forward their legacy by protecting them.

Imagine a future where our children and grandchildren must rely on imported produce because we failed to safeguard our local farms. It’s a haunting thought, isn’t it? But we can prevent this bleak scenario from becoming a reality. By preserving the green belt, we ensure that the seeds of sustainability continue to sprout, the roots of tradition continue to deepen, and the fruits of our labor continue to grace our plates.

In conclusion, my fellow stewards of the land, let us remember that the green belt is not just a collection of fields; it’s a sanctuary of sustenance. It’s a reminder of our responsibility to the earth and to one another. Let us stand united against the notion of building homes on this precious land, and instead, let us cultivate a future where the fields continue to thrive, and the harvest continues to bless our tables. For the green belt is not just a belt; it’s a lifeline, and it’s our duty to protect it for generations to come.

Homegrown Zucchini Relish

My lovely wife just got done making up our Zucchini Relish for the cold months ahead. I even snapped a picture of a couple of them lovely jars she filled. She usually whips up ’bout six jars, just enough to keep us well-fed through winter. But every now and again, she gets a hankerin’ to make a few more.

Let me tell y’all, that relish of hers is like a dollop of sunshine on a gloomy day. Come wintertime, when them veggies cost an arm and a leg, and don’t even get me started on the lack of flavor, this relish truly saves the day. It’s like bottlin’ up a bit of summer to enjoy when the world outside is all frosty and gray.

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Well, it’s that time of the year when I’m kept quite busy tending to my garlic for the freezing season. What I do is, I first give ’em a good knock to brush off all that dirt, then I snip the tops and the roots. After that, I peel away the outer layers and separate all them cloves. Once that’s done, I tidy things up and start peeling each individual clove. Once I’ve finished that task, I seal ’em up in small bags using the vacuum sealer and pop ’em in the freezer for the winter ahead. They’ll keep well for a good year or even longer, if need be. And you know what’s just wonderful? When we finally use ’em, they taste just as delightful as if they were fresh from the earth. And the cherry on top is that none of ’em go to waste by goin’ bad. Now ain’t that just the best thing you ever heard?

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Carbon Tax In Canada ??

According to Canadian sources, Canada possesses significant carbon sinks, which include 990 million acres of forests, 370 million acres of wetlands, and 167 million acres of crop-yielding farmland. These carbon sinks absorb carbon from the atmosphere.

Biologists state that trees absorb around 2.6 tons of carbon per acre. By multiplying the forested area by this figure, we find that Canada absorbs approximately 2.574 billion tons of carbon annually.

When we consider the global emissions of about 36 trillion tons and Canada’s share of 1.67% (0.0167) of these emissions, it amounts to 601.2 million tons. Remarkably, in the forests alone, Canada absorbs nearly four times the carbon it emits.

It’s essential to remember that this calculation doesn’t account for carbon absorption by wetlands and farmland.

Despite being a significant carbon sink, Canada faces carbon taxes. It is perplexing why politicians pursue these measures, especially when Canada deserves recognition for its carbon-absorbing efforts.

English Cucumbers For Sale

Hi Folks, I just picked a box of Organic English Cucumbers Seedless and put them on our trailer out front. All sizes only $2.00 each.

My wife is making relish today and found we have lots to spare. And more will be up to size in a couple days.

Self-service. Take what you need and leave your money in the plastic container. They sure are tasty this year. GW

Small Trailer For Sale

Hi Folks, I have a small trailer for sale. The box is 4 1/2 Feet Long by 3 1/2 Feet Wide. Tires are good. It is a nice trailer, great to go behind an ATV or a Riding Mower, or you can put it on the road. All it needs is to be wired and lights. As a matter of fact, I have two lights that will fit it and will throw them in with the deal. I am asking $500.00. As you can see in the pictures, it has all new sides and floor, and it has a removable tail gate. I even greased the wheel bearings. What more can you ask for.

You can reach me at [email protected]

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