Well got to say it sure is a cold one out there the past two mornings. But on the bright side its a real good time to split wood, which we have. This year I bought some logs delivered to the house to save a bit of money. Took the wife and I a bit to get the oooold body going but each day it got easier. I think the problem with most folks today is that they don’t get enough hard exercise. I had a few problems for years but now that I cut split and piled 20 cords of firewood I am feeling like a 20 year old again. Hard to believe huh. I will say this though, having them logs laying by the house for folks to see sure kept company away, LOL. Might be the answer for them unwanted guests huh? Well guess will go and get my breakfast and then get back at cutting and splitting. Should finish it up today or tomorrow. Will take some pictures when all said and done of before and after. Oh and takes a week of steady work to cut, split and pile around twenty cords of firewood 16 inches long and no log splitter other than an ax an some muscle. Talk Soon.