You know this statement proves how folks minds have been swayed into thinking that things like this is a good thing. When the banks cut rates it doesn’t help the working man one bit. Also doesn’t help the economy one bit either. Reason being if folks don’t have a job they shouldn’t be borrowing anyways. All that lowering the rates do is make money for the banks, simple as that. They aren’t out there to help you, they are out there to make money. Don’t take folks much in the way of thinking to figure that out. My Opinion Only
Welcome to my little corner of the countryside, where storytelling meets the everyday joys of woodworking, farming, and gardening. I’m GW, a writer and published author with over thirty years of experience. Here, I’m eager to share the lessons and stories from a life spent writing and working with my hands. Join me as we explore the practical and rewarding side of country life—from crafting wooden pieces to tending the land and growing gardens. Each post reflects the wisdom gained from a long journey of writing and living close to nature.
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