Drug Companies


Drug companies used to sell products for the treatment of disease. But it didn’t take long for Big Pharma to figure out that the number of diseased people is limited, and therefore so are drug profits. To bypass this problem, they began inventing diseases and marketing them to the public as a way to create new demand for high-profit pharmaceuticals. This is how “bi-polar” came into existence, for example. Same story for ADHD, social anxiety disorder and even high cholesterol (which isn’t a disease in the first place).

But even this disease mongering strategy had its limits. Only a limited number of gullible doctors and consumers can be convincingly deluded into believing in fictitious diseases and psychiatric disorders. To really expand its profits, Big Pharma was going to have to do something revolutionary: They were going to have to figure out a way to sell drugs to people who weren’t sick at all.

Or, put another way: They needed a way to sell drugs to healthy people.

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