Update On What’s Happening In My Gardens.

Well just a quick hello to let folks know that I am still kickin’ . So much rain here the past few days it is sure taking its toll on my gardens especially my tomatoes.  Thing is once we get so much rain and no sunshine the plants all get to growing tops and no bottoms, or vegetables. I have had a good crop of broccoli so far this year and got about a bushel in the freezer. More is still coming in smaller amounts and they are for eating right now.  Nothing better than freshly picked broccoli dipped in some nice home made garlic dip on a  summers day.  And so…………………..good for ya too.  Carrots are coming along also but same there, need some sunshine and less rain to bring them up to size.  Tomatoes are starting but I had to do a lot of trimming on them so the sun can get down to the bottom of them but they are coming and they look promising now, which is a good thing as I sure love my tomatoes.  Well guess I will go and get some lunch while we can as we have also been very busy here in our small store.  Talk Soon.

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