Port Loring Ontario, A Place To Raise Your Children, Start A Business, Or Just Settle Down.

You know for most my life I have lived in the country. Moving here to Port Loring, Ontario was just one more of our adventures in trying to keep  us alive and well. In Niagara where we farmed it has grown to enormous proportions and  you might say folks don’t have any elbow room any-more.  Here in Port Loring that problem is solved.   For those that want the simple life with a country backing, well this is the place for you.  We are a growing area. but still with in our growth rate to get bigger, without loosing what I call necessities in life.   Homes are readily available at a very reasonable price in and around our area, and lots of good land if you choose to build your dream home.   We are still an unorganized area, but don’t let that worry you, as through my eyes it is an advantage point, as there are a lot of things not in place to hamper a fellow or gal, when the urge strikes to doing certain things.  Also  remember this, being unorganized doesn’t mean we don’t have rules to follow, and that any one can do what ever they want, as it doesn’t. We have our own Board here called the LSB, that takes place every month, open to the public and things are getting done.  I can vouch for that, as I am on the Board, newly elected  and lots of good things are about to happen and have happened.  Guess what I am saying is, we have lots to offer here in Port Loring,  so why not put it on your list of places to visit, you will be surprised in what you see.  And when in town, stop in and see my wife and I, we would love to see you. Coffee is always on. Should say here too, if you need more info on our growing community, feel free to get in touch with either my wife or I.   You can reach me here on the Blog or at :   [email protected] or 1 705-757-1640  Take Care, George & Ruth Walters

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