Picture Taken 1920/Port Loring

Nice Old Picture Taken Many Years Ago.  Often wonder what would be going through ones mind when this picture was taken. Click on picture to enlarge and then let  it take you back to a time when things were much much simpler, in a few respects.

Loring 1920' Taken From West Road Hill Forsythe House and Manse at Centre
Port Loring /Loring 1920' Taken From West Road Hill Forsythe House and Manse at Centre.jpg

One thought on “Picture Taken 1920/Port Loring”

  1. Do you still monitor this page? We just bought property in Port Loring and I am very interested in the history of our home. My husbands family has been here for a long time (his Uncle owned Jake’s place until a few years ago)

    You article is fascinating, thank you for taking the time to document the history of Port Loring.

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