Vegetable Garden Happenings Here In Port Loring Ontario

Well I have to say it’s been a really good year for my vegetable garden. I was eating spinach the middle of May and from then on things have steadily been growing. This is the first year that I have had my broccoli in the freezer this early. So early in fact, that I have taken out the old plants already and put in a row of late corn. I also have dug my garlic and it is nicely drying, hung up in the shop out of the sun. Need a good spot that is dry. Also one should remember never to wash the bulbs after digging them, leave the dirt right on them as it keeps them from spoiling. Simple to wash when needed.
I also put in another row of spinach, should say this is my third planting. Dong so will guarantee me fresh new leaves for my salads all summer long. Myself I pick them about the second week they start sprouting from the soil. Doing so one has the best salad one can get. Mix it up with a few radishes which is growing well this year and a few celery sticks cut up and you got yourself a meal in itself. And nothing could be better for ya. Now we need some sunshine to keep things growing nicely, as right at this moment we have had enough rain. To much of a good thing can mess things up some. But……… long range looks just perfect. Well…. wife has a sandwich ready here for me, yes……. home-made bread and a salad fresh out of the garden, so guess go and get some. Enjoy!!

5 thoughts on “Vegetable Garden Happenings Here In Port Loring Ontario”

  1. Thanks for the post. I am always looking for ways to improve my gardening and cooking skills. My family loves eating real food.

  2. This is such a great resource that you are providing and you give it away for free. I enjoy seeing websites that understand the value of providing a prime resource for free. I truly loved reading your posts. Thanks!

  3. I have heard that someone in your area is growing garlic commercially.
    Is that the case?
    If so, perhaps you could pass on their contact information.

    Bill Webster

    ps: nice site

    1. Hi Bill sorry for taking so long to get back to you just been busy. There is a fellow in Powassan that is growing it now and selling it at different Markets. Stop off at the Farmers Market one day in Powassan and see the feller. Nothing like fresh home grown garlic. I used to grow over an acre a year and sell it on the market in Oshawa. Today I plant around a hundred or so for ourselves. It isn’t hard to grow and if you have a bit of land your in business. If I can help any further just let me know. Nice chattin’ to ya.

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