Home Sales Continue To Drop

Actual house sales activity was down 19.7% in June 2010 from a year ago, but the price of a home has rose just 4.9% from a year ago. Now if a feller or gal gets to lookin’ at these figures it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out the problem here.  First off the new HST didn’t help any, but the main reason is that homes today are selling for way to much money and folks have reached their limits of how much they can put towards a home.  Simple as that.  One other thing that has caught my attention is that the homes of today are twice the size as one needs.  Today though one doesn’t think ahead, they go for looks, keeping up with the Jone’s and things like that.  Big homes that could hold around fifteen people with only two to four living in them.  The upkeep alone would put  a feller or gal in the poor house.  My Opinion Only

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