Regional Tourism Organization 12

Attractions Marketing Information Session

Wednesday February 2nd, 2011

9:30 – 11:30 am

Muskoka Boat and Heritage Centre

185 Cherokee Lane, Gravenhurst


Thursday February 10th, 2011

9:30 – 11:30 am

West Parry Sound District Museum

17 George Street, Parry Sound

The meetings have been designed to introduce you to RTO12, to develop strong partnerships and to coordinate attractions in the region.

Each meeting will include:

  • The plans being considered for attractions in the region;
  • Ways for you to become involved with the RTO12 Attractions Committee;
  • A presentation on Social Media and how you can take advantage of this RTO12 lead program to support your marketing efforts;
  • An opportunity to meet with some of the key players and attraction partners in RTO12.

One of our goals is to double tourism receipts by 2020.  To accomplish this we are looking for interested individuals to participate on an RTO12 Attractions Committee to help develop future plans and shape attractions in RTO12.

Who We Are:

Regional Tourism Organization 12 (RTO12) is one of the 13 RTO’s set in place by the Ministry of Tourism & Culture to identify and implement regional priorities allowing for more consistent marketing of tourism in Ontario.

Region 12 coverage area includes Algonquin Park, Almaguin Highlands, Georgian Bay Country, Muskoka and the Township of South Algonquin.

Our Mandates:

Our mandates are: leadership and strategic planning, developing strong partnerships and collaboration, investment attractions, innovation, marketing, workforce development and skills training.

For more information:

Phone: 705-645-2512

Email: [email protected]

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