New Books In The Works For George Walters

Great looking day lies ahead. Not much happening in and around town that has come into my view. Few trucks moving up and down the Highway and regular folks going to pick up their mail and things. Myself I have been working on a novel that I have been wanting to do now for years, called Dark Angel. Fiction this time round, as after all these years of writing short stories of ones self, family or close friends, my mind said it wanted to be let loose. So I am giving it its chance, have to say so far it’s meeting my expectations. I also have started working on a children’s book, At this time I won’t be saying the title, but I will say this, it is going to be a book that all us grandparents or mothers and fathers will want to buy for the young one’s. My wife is about to start on all the illustrations, which will make the book come alive. When will it be out for all to buy? I will keep you up to date as things develop. I don’t think they will be out for spring, but one just never knows what fate brings on to oneself.  We are also in the process of doing up E-Books which will be made available in the near future if things work out.  My son’ Karl is working diligently on that end of things.  Well…tea time here, so have a great day, live the moment my friends, time moves along in ones life fast.

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