Good morning. Well really nice morning out there waking up. Temperatures at 6:00 AM was sitting at.. 18.7 C | 65.66 F.
Forecast: For Today is calling for it to be..Stormy, much rain. Thinking we might see a thunderstorm around lunch or shortly after. Possibility.
Fishing Times: The Old Weather Stick is saying that the best time to be out there today will be from 6:30 AM – 11:00 AM. Then once again from 4:00 PM – 7:00 PM. I give it a 4 fish rating out of 4 for catching them all day. Can’t get much better than that. Heading out myself with my buddy Barry this morning. Should be a great day if the rain holds off. So will see what happens. One just never knows. But out there with Barry makes for a great day even without catching fish. Good Luck and don’t forget that rain coat..
Bug Report: Mosquitoes are the bug of the day that annoys us human species. A few deer flies thrown in for good measure are amongst us also.
Around Town. Not much to report. Gardens are growing great with lots of fresh lettuce and things for the table. Eating from it every day. Nothing can be better than fresh organic items of choice to put into ones body. Makes one feel like eating. Enjoy your day my friends.