Category Archives: What’s Happening

Mornings in the Country on September 15/2024

Good Morning! You know, if there is one thing the farm or country’s shown me over the years, is that most problems work themselves out if you just give ‘em enough time.

It’s a bit misty here in cottage country this morning, caused with the cool night air meeting the warmer morning air. The truth of the matter is—nature’s showing us we’re in for a warm week ahead. Perfect weather for a bit of yard work or just relaxing on the porch. Truth told, the porch is looking mighty fine to me. I think I heard it calling for a bit of company?

Highway 522 has certainly quieted down recently, but we had a great day at our gift shop yesterday. A whole busload of folks dropped in, and they were all smiles, admiring my wife’s paintings, my flutes, and my books. They mentioned they were seeking out special, one-of-a-kind places and had heard about us on their travels. We enjoyed a great chat with them, and they picked out some favorites before continuing on their way. It’s sure nice to see so many people valuing homemade, unique items these days.

On another note, yesterday I started cleaning up our vegetable garden for the year, getting it ready for winter. I should be able to finish it up this morning. But I won’t till it up for another few weeks yet, as we still have some lettuce and orange peppers, and we wouldn’t want to bother them. Nothing like fresh salads right from one’s garden come supper time.

With that, I’m off to enjoy some pancakes my lovely wife has made just for me. After that, I’ll head out to our front porch for a hot cup of cocoa before getting into work. It’s sure great to do what you want, when you want, without any interference from the outside world.

You all have a great day and I will leave you with this: Country living might not have all the excitement of the city, but the trade-off is worth it when you’re waking up to a calm morning and the sound of the birds, not the honking of horns. GW

Waking Up to What Matters Most in Northern Ontario, Canada on September 14/2024

Good Morning! You know, after all these years, I’ve come to know that life’s like a good pair of boots—takes time to break them in, but once they’re right, they’re with you for the long haul.

Well, it’s been a few days since I last checked in here, the reason being that my lovely wife and I took a little trip south of us, just to see what the other half is up to. I have to say, after a few days among the hustle and bustle of city life, we sure were glad to get back to the quiet of the country.

First off, the traffic! You know! I have no idea how people handle it day in and day out. Cars whizzing by in every direction, horns blaring… not exactly what we’re used to, that’s for certain. And those houses? Packed in so tight, you could pass your neighbor a cup of sugar right through the window without leaving your kitchen. I think if I lived there long enough, I’d start missing the privacy of my own porch real quick.

Then there was the whole adventure of finding a place to stay. Now, my wife and I have seen our fair share of motels over the years, and I have to tell you, things haven’t gotten any better. Actually, years ago, things were somewhat better in a lot of ways. One thing is that, today, we’ve learned to ask for a look at the room before handing over any money, but even that doesn’t prepare you for what you find once you’re actually in it. Sometimes, what looks fine at first glance ends up being something else entirely by the time you’ve unpacked your bag. I won’t even mention the shower.

We also figured we’d try a night at the movies. Well, here again we’ve been to plenty of theaters in our day, but this one might take the cake. The place smelled like they hadn’t opened a window since the 70s, and the seats? I’d have been better off sitting on a log. As for the popcorn, let’s just say it had a texture that made me think it might’ve been leftover from the last showing of Gone with the Wind. We didn’t even make it halfway through the bucket before tossing it. And believe me, if you knew my wife’s love for popcorn, you’d understand what a tragedy that was.

Now, I know this might sound like a lot of griping, but that’s not really it as hell, I’m more than willing to pay for things if they’re worth the price— but to me, it just seems these days, you don’t always get what you’re paying for.

But all in all, we did enjoy a few days away, even if it mostly reminded us of how good we’ve got it here. There’s just something about coming home, stepping out onto your own porch, or walking around your property, taking in the stillness that city folks couldn’t even dream of. Hell, I’d bet most of ‘em haven’t heard a cricket chirp in years.

Truth be told, after this trip, I’m more convinced than ever that my wife and I got it pretty good here in the country. At least out here, if something smells funny, it’s usually just our compost pile—not the theater seats, or??

On another note, after we got home, my wife and I tackled the grass yesterday, and I must say, the property is looking mighty fine. I also noticed that traffic around here has eased up quite a bit. I’m guessing it’s a combination of the kids being back in school and the price of things, which we got a firsthand look at during our four-day trip.

Today—well, today I’m thinking of cleaning up our driveway a bit, in other words, making it look a touch nicer. Leave a driveway long enough without tending to it, and eventually, it’ll start to look like a lane-way from years ago, with all the grass and weeds that start to take over. I didn’t mind it years ago though, as it gave the place an authentic look of where one was living.

With that, I am glad to be back home, and now going to have my breakfast that my lovely wife has made for me; and then will head outdoors and enjoy the remaining days of summer here in the north. And you know— while the city’s chasing its tail, I think we are pretty darn lucky, to be able to watch the world turn, one slow sunrise at a time. Life is good, my friends, life is good. GW


Mornin’ Dew and Fresh Views on Sept 7/2024

Good Morning Folks! You know, if there is one thing I have learned over the years it’s that; “Living on a farm or in the country, teaches you to appreciate the small things—a warm breeze, a good meal, and a quiet morning.”

It’s a damp, overcast morning here in Northern Ontario. The rain came down off and on through the night, and by the looks of the sky, it seems determined to stick around for most of the day. The air has a crispness to it this morning, a gentle reminder that the season is beginning to shift. Tomorrow, though, the skies will start to clear, and we’ll get a break from the gloom. But don’t put away the short sleeves just yet, as by Monday, we’ll be back to some fine, warm weather, and next week’s looking to be downright nice.

Highway 522 was slow yesterday, not much traffic rolling through, but you wouldn’t know it from the number of folks stopping by our gift shop. We had a good handful of new faces, all eager to see what we’ve been working on. Honestly, I’ve been surprised by how many people have been dropping by—especially on Sunday and Monday. It’s heartening to see so many taking an interest in our handcrafted items, each one made right here on our property. There’s something rewarding about knowing folks appreciate the time and care that goes into creating something unique, something you can’t just find anywhere else.

On another note, my lovely wife and I finally got our kitchen all spruced up, along with a fresh coat of paint that really brightens the place. I have to say, it’s looking better than ever. You know, all my life, even growing up on the farm, the kitchen always felt like the heart of the home. It was where life seemed to slow down just enough to be appreciated. The smells drifting from the old wood cook stove, the warmth of a meal in the making—it drew everyone in. And if someone had a problem, well—the kitchen table was where we sat down to hash it out. And no matter how cold I was, I could always count on the wood-box by the stove to warm me up. There wasn’t a cozier spot in the house.

Even now, the kitchen is still one of my favorite places, especially when you’ve got a good cook like my little woman. She’s got this knack for turning the simplest ingredients into something that’d rival any fancy restaurant. Gourmet cooking, they call it—but to me, her meals are better because they’re made from the heart. And you know, it doesn’t matter if it’s a humble stew, or a plate of biscuits, she always manages to make it something special, with flavor you won’t find anywhere else.

Today, with it being so wet outside and our firewood all put in for winter, I think I’ll take the day off and relax a bit. Maybe I’ll even sit down and write another story for the newspaper columns I do. I write 52 columns a year for Post Media, which now covers most of Canada. Not too shabby for an old fella like me, wouldn’t you say? I have to admit, I get a kick out of it— and you know, writing has become as natural to me as telling stories around the kitchen table.

Truth be told, it’s my way of sharing what I’ve learned over the years. The lessons, the adventures, and the little moments that shaped me. Writing gives me a chance to pass those on to others, maybe even spark a bit of reflection or a smile. It’s funny how putting words on paper connects me to folks I’ve never met, but somehow, we all end up sharing a piece of the journey together, as it should be.

With that, I’m off to enjoy the breakfast my little woman has made for me—best to get to it while it’s still hot. After that, well, we’ll see what the day has in store. Life’s full of twists and turns, and you never quite know what’s coming next. But that’s part of the fun, isn’t it?

You all have a great day. I plan to step outside before my breakfast to enjoy a breath or two of that fresh northern air, even if it’s a bit damp this morning.

You know, city folks might have their bright lights, but nothing compares to the peace of a quiet country morning. GW

Another Country Morning in Northern Ontario on Sept 6/2024

Morning, folks! You know, if there’s one thing the country and age has taught me, it’s this; “Slow down, because life will move fast enough without you chasin’ it.”

Starting off the day, we’ve got a rainy morning here in the north. The rain began around 2:00 AM, and it looks like it’ll be with us on and off for most of the day, through the night, and into tomorrow. As I’ve mentioned in earlier forecasts, we’re in for a cool spell over the next few days. But don’t worry, summer hasn’t given up entirely, as we’re still in for a few more sunny days with pleasant temperatures, which suits my wife and me just fine, as we’re not quite ready to say goodbye to summer just yet.

In saying all that, tomorrow will give us a glimpse of what’s to come. It’s almost like Mother Nature is giving us a heads-up to get ready. The trouble is, it seems like fewer people are paying attention to her signals these days. And with all the talk of global warming, you’d think folks would be more tuned in. But the truth is, these changes have been happening for thousands of years, and will keep on going, no matter what we do.

Speaking of being prepared, I spent a couple of days bringing in our firewood I think we’ll need for winter. Let me tell you, my old body was certainly feeling it once all was said and done. But, I’m glad to have it done before the damp, rainy weather sets in—which, as you know, can be quite frequent up here in the north. Dry wood is like a wick; when it rains, it soaks up the moisture and takes forever to dry out. Some folks wait until it’s cold outside to get their wood in, but I have found that early September is the sweet spot.

I also keep the dehumidifier running in the basement to help keep the wood nice and dry. Once the air is less humid and the furnace kicks in, I turn it off for the winter. Little things like that can save you a lot of headaches later on. It’s the way I was taught, and it’s served me well for, let’s just say, many years. Now, I’m not saying I’m old, but I do remember when the only thing on TV was snow.

And I can’t forget to mention my lovely wife, who’s been running herself ragged reorganizing the whole house lately—upstairs, downstairs, and every nook in between. She’s also been cleaning up after me, which truth told, is a full-time job by itself. That woman of mine, she’s been by my side for over fifty some years, and I am darn lucky to have her in my life.

Today, with the rain and my body still aching from yesterday’s hard work, I think I will stay inside. I’m learning that as I age, taking it easy and enjoying some downtime is more important than ever.

Highway 522 has quieted down quite a bit lately, with many folks back in their homes in the cities. I actually like it this way; it’s quieter and gives me time to enjoy what’s truly important in life.

With that I am off for my morning breakfast that my little woman has made for me and will then see what the day has in store, other than what I have planned. One never knows.

You all have a great day, and I will leave you with this: Out here, life’s about enjoying the simple things—a contrast to the city’s constant rush. Sometimes, the best things are found in the quiet. GW

What’s Happening on September 1st in Northern Ontario’s Cottage Country

Good Morning! You know—after decades of working with seeds and words, I’ve learned that patience is what makes them grow strong.

Well, it’s a cloudy morning here in cottage country on this first day of September. We’re getting a few showers, but the good news is we should see some off-and-on sunshine a bit later. Not that I’m complaining, mind you—it’s that time of year when the seasons are changing, and the weather likes to keep us on our toes.

I’ve got to say, we’ve had a pretty good summer, managing to get a lot done around the property—and even inside the house, for that matter. One thing that surprised me was how well the equipment behaved. They only needed a few minor fixes here and there, which is a small miracle with some being a touch old. At any rate, it’s always nice when things go to plan; as there is nothing worse than starting a project, only to have something break down, and having to spend the rest of the day figuring out how to get it back up and running.

On another note, yesterday I spent the day working away inside our home, applying paint and tackling all those little things that seem to pop up out of nowhere. I thought I’d have it all finished, but—well, you know how that goes. It’s funny how just when you think you’re in the home stretch, the finish line decides to move a few more miles down the road.

Today, I’ll get back to work and see how it turns out. The silver lining is that this year, I’m feeling stronger and healthier than I have in the past two. Let’s hope it stays that way. The truth is, good health is the foundation of everything. Without it, all the projects and plans in the world don’t mean much. So, take care of yourselves, eat right, get some exercise, and just do what’s good—for you.

My wife has also been running on all cylinders—looking after the customers in our gift shop, keeping up with her housework, and following me around cleaning up my messes. Let me tell you, that’s practically a full-time job on its own! I’m sure lucky to have her; as she keeps everything running smoothly and makes each day a lot brighter. We are a team, that’s for sure, as we have worked together now for over fifty some years. Truth is, she knows what needs doing before I even realize it’s a problem!

With that, I’m off for my breakfast, which is my usual morning routine, and then I’ll get to work.

You all have a great day, and I will leave you with this to ponder on. “Every day is a new page, and it’s up to you to fill it with some great stories.”

Early Start, Long Day Ahead on August 31/2024

Took a picture of a Yellow Rose in our garden yesterday that just opened up. Sure is pretty—and smells down right nice too!

Click on image to enlarge!

Good morning! If there’s one piece of wisdom I’ve picked up over the years, it’s this: “Don’t sweat the small stuff, because most of it is just that—small stuff.”

Looks like we’re in for another fine day up here in the north. The sun’s already peeking through the trees, casting a warm glow on everything it touches. The winds are quiet, coming in from the WNW, barely enough to rustle the leaves. And the temperature? Well, it’s one of those perfect days, when you can’t help but smile just stepping outside. Not a soul could find a reason to grumble about the weather today—it’s one of those rare days, that makes you glad to be alive.

Highway 522 is pretty quiet these days. The reason being is that a lot of folks are sticking close to home, getting things ready for the kids to head back to school next week. And with the price of things climbing, and those big corporations taking more than their share, folks are feeling the squeeze. Not to forget the taxes we have to pay for things these days, as they sure aren’t making it any easier, either. Times are tough, and truth told, people are doing what they can, just to make ends meet.

But in saying all that, living up here in the north is something special. The peace, the quiet, and the natural beauty makes it one of the best places to call home. Every day, you wake up to fresh air and the sounds of nature. It’s a place where you can truly feel at ease, surrounded by the beauty of the land. If you’re looking for a place that feels like home, this is it.

Other than that, my friends, not much else is happening in and around our small little town. It’s one of those quiet mornings where the most exciting thing might just be—a good cup of coffee.

With that, I’m off for my morning breakfast, prepared by my lovely wife. Afterward, I’ll get back to painting the kitchen—I’m slowly but surely making progress. Might even finish it today.

I will leave you with this to ponder on. The old saying goes; “The best way to predict the future is to create it—but don’t forget to take the time to enjoy each moment along the way!”

In Closing, I Would Like to Wish You Well! GW

Sunrise with the Old Ways on August 30/2024

This should start my day off right.

Click on image to enlarge!

Good Morning:

You know-–after all these years, I’ve learned that a calm mind and steady hands make for a good day’s work.

And saying that—steady hands, sure come in handy when painting the kitchen cupboards, which is what I have been doing for the past three days, and let me tell you, there’s a lot more work involved in painting a kitchen than meets the eye. This is the third, hmm—maybe fourth time I’ve tackled it in the twenty-some years we’ve lived here.

You’d think I’d have it figured out by now, but every time, it feels like the cupboards have grown more corners and crevices. It’s one of those jobs that starts simple, and then sneaks up on you with just how long it’s going to take. I reckon I’ve got another two or three days before I can finally put the paintbrush down. But hey, at least I’m getting my daily exercise in, without leaving the house.

Highway 522 was quite busy yesterday with visitors dropping by our one-of-a-kind gift shop. It’s been great to see so many people, especially those from out of town, taking the time to explore our beautiful property. It’s clear that word is spreading beyond our small town, and we appreciate everyone’s interest and support.

Other than painting, my wife and I yesterday managed to get the mowing done for the week. I have to say, our property looks absolutely beautiful when it’s all finished. You know, it’s the kind of place that makes you appreciate the simple beauty of country living. Afterward, we love to sit on our front porch, with a cool drink in hand, and take in the view. It’s the sort of setting that makes folks say, “I’d love to own a place like this someday.” And who knows, maybe someday someone else—will get the chance to enjoy it just like we have.

With that, I’m off to enjoy the breakfast my lovely wife has prepared. After that, I’ll see if my paintbrush is ready to get back to work.

You all have a great day and always remember, “life’s a journey best taken one step (or sip) at a time.” Now—where did I leave my damn coffee! GW

Another Quiet Morning in the Country on August 28/2024

Good Morning! “You know, the only thing better than a country morning—is sharing it with folks who know what it’s worth.”

It’s a cool morning here in the north, and along with that we are also having some rain. Taking a look at things, based on my observations and the patterns I’ve noticed from past years, it looks like winter 2024-2025 is shaping up to be particularly challenging. We can expect colder-than-normal temperatures and a lot of snow, especially here in Port Loring and the surrounding areas. It should be noted that this winter won’t be the usual cold; it will be the kind that makes you appreciate every log on the fire, and every extra blanket on the bed.

Take the squirrels, for instance. Over the past week, they’ve been working double-time, gathering nuts and acorns like they’re expecting a long, hard winter. The deer in the area are already sporting their thick winter coats, looking like they’re ready for whatever comes their way. And even some of the birds—have begun their migration south, as if they’ve got an early warning about what’s to come. All these signs point to one thing: we’re in for a real northern winter, the kind that brings plenty of cold and snow. So—even though it’s still a bit early, it’s time to start thinking ahead. Make sure your woodpile is ready, the pantry/freezer is stocked, and—that snow shovel is where you can find it.

Highway 522 has quieted down quite a bit this week, which is typical for this time of year. However, it seems even fewer tourists are passing through compared to previous years. On the bright side, our gift shop has been buzzing with new faces, which has been a pleasant surprise. It’s always nice to see folks appreciating our one-of-a-kind items that we have to offer—even if the highway is a little less travelled these days.

On another note, we had a few things on our list that we were in need of, so we took a trip to North Bay yesterday. The weather was a bit on the warm side, but it turned out to be a great day. While there, we picked up everything we needed, treated ourselves to a delicious pizza and a drink at East Side Mario’s—honestly, I don’t think there’s a better pizza around. After that, we picked up a coffee to go, from a coffee shop in town, and enjoyed it on the drive home, taking our time to enjoy the surrounding scenery. All in all, it was a real nice day.

With that, I’m off to enjoy the breakfast my lovely wife has prepared. After that, it’s time to tackle some painting around the house. I’m hoping to get it all done before the snow flies so we can keep the windows open and let the fresh air in—paint seems to bother me more these days. It’s amazing how the old body changes as the years go by.

You all have a great day, and remember; “Life’s too short to skip the small pleasures, like a quiet morning and a good cup of coffee.”

Words from a Country Morning on August 25/2024

Here is a picture I took yesterday of a patch of Helen Flowers, that is showing off in one of our front gardens; Thought I Would Share.

Click on image to enlarge!

Good Morning! Where the day’s fresh, the coffee’s hot, and there’s no rush; because out here in the country—time’s a little kinder.

Once again, it looks as if we are in for another beautiful day here in cottage country. The sun is up and starting to do its thing, and with the shadows from the pines, it sure is a sight to see. There’s just something about mornings like this that makes you feel grateful to be right where you are. And on top of that, the cool breeze carries a hint of pine, actually, you can almost taste the freshness in the air.

Highway 522 is quiet this Sunday morning. Most people are off work
and staying close to home. The usual sounds of cars and trucks are
gone, leaving the road open for deer and other animals to wander. The
only noise is the distant call of a loon over the lake, making the quiet
feel almost real.

On another note, yesterday my wife and I were kept busy chatting with folks who dropped by our gift shop, eager to pick up some of our one-of-a-kind items. It’s always nice to see familiar faces and meet new ones, especially when they leave with something handmade and special. In between visits, I managed to sneak in a bit of work on my water wheel, tweaking it here and there to make sure it flows a bit better. You could say it’s a work in progress, like most things around here, but it’s coming along nicely. Meanwhile, my ‘lovely wife‘ was busy inside, cleaning the house and doing the wash. She’s got a knack for getting things done, especially on weekends when the hydro rates are a little friendlier. Every dollar counts when you’re living up here in the north, where the winters are long, and the grocery bills are even longer.

She’s got a saying, “A penny saved is a penny that might just keep the lights on,” and I reckon she’s right. As up here, nothing gets wasted—not time, not effort, and certainly not a chance to save a bit of money.

Bug Report: Other than a few pesky nits that find their way through the screens at night, things are pretty good on that front. Actually, I’ve noticed the bugs haven’t been too bad this year. I kind of figure it’s caused by the kind of weather we have had—plenty of rain, lots of sunshine, and just enough wind to keep things comfortable. Truth be told, this summer has been one of the best I can remember. The days have been warm, the nights cool, and everything’s been just about perfect.

Now, with all this good weather, I can’t help but think about all the talk surrounding global warming. There’s no denying that the world’s changing—anyone with a lick of sense can see that. But for me, I believe it’s something that’s been happening for a long time; long before we started noticing. Hell, we’ve had ice ages, warm spells, and everything in between; Nature, well—she has a way of balancing herself out.

That said, I’m not saying we should just sit back and do nothing. We’ve got a responsibility to take care of this planet, to respect the land we live on, the water we drink, and the air we breathe. Maybe we can’t stop the changes, but we can sure do our part, to make sure we’re not speeding them up. And at the end of the day, that’s what it’s all about—doing what we can, with what we have, and leaving the rest to Mother Nature. She’s got a mind of her own, let me tell you. To her, we’re just a speck of dust in the grand scheme of things

With that, I’m off to enjoy my morning breakfast and see what the day has in store. I’m thinking it might involve some front porch sittin’, soaking in the nature around our place, and chatting with my lovely wife. Why? ‘Just because we can.’

You all have a great Sunday—just a reminder, “Wisdom often comes from the quiet moments in between all the noise.” GW

Fishing Times for Sunday

Major Times
5:10 AM-7:10 AM
5:37 PM-7:37 PM

Minor Times
1:38 PM-2:38 PM
10:26 PM-11:26 PM

Day Rating: I give it a 2-Star Rating for catching a few today. Good Luck!

Advice from an Old Angler: Handlining is an age-old fishing technique that emphasizes the importance of being in tune with nature. It’s all about using your hands to feel for the fish’s bite. If you’re not sensing that tug on the line, it means you need to focus more closely on what’s happening beneath the surface.

Where Music and Art Meet: A Year in Review

Hi folks! It’s been a pretty fantastic year here in our little corner of the world, and I thought it’s time to share some of those good feelings with you. If you’ve been wondering what we’ve been up to, let me fill you in.

As many of you know, I’ve been busy in my workshop, crafting wooden flutes that are, if I do say so myself, a bit of magic made from wood straight from the trees. No kiln-dried wood here! Now, these aren’t just any old flutes like others are making these days—nope, they’re my own special design. Each one is handmade and tuned to bring out notes as sweet as a summer breeze and as rich as a Sunday roast. I have to say, this year, they’ve been flying off the shelves faster than hotcakes at a county fair!

And it’s not just me making waves; my lovely wife has been working her magic with her paintbrushes. Her paintings are one-of-a-kind masterpieces that you won’t find anywhere else in the world. Each stroke tells a story, and each canvas is like a window into her soul. We’ve had a steady stream of folks dropping by, marveling at her work and picking up pieces that speak to their hearts.

The best part? Well—simply put, everything you see here—flutes, paintings, and all—comes straight from our home. We put our heart and soul into every piece, and it shows. So, if you’re looking for something unique and handcrafted with care, come on down and take a look. We’d love to show you around, share a story or two, and maybe even let you try out a flute or two.

As for a little wisdom, here’s a nugget for the day: “Good things come to those who visit.” Whether you’re searching for a special gift, a unique piece of art, or just a pleasant afternoon out, my wife and I have got something that’ll make you smile. So don’t be shy—drop by and see what we’re all about!

Until next time, take care! GW

Another Quiet Morning in the Country on August 24/2024

Good Morning Folks!

The sun’s already up and work’s awaitin’, but before you get to working, don’t forget to take a moment to breathe in some of that, fresh clean northern air, and— enjoy the quiet.

Looks like we’re in for another nice day here in Northern Ontario. This time of year’s about as good as it gets—not too hot, and not too cold. It’s perfect weather for sleeping, with the windows wide open, which lets the cool fresh northern air blow in around one’s bed. And with that happening, you wake up feeling like you actually slept, which is a rare thing these days for a lot of folks.

The truth is,—it’s the kind of day, that makes you want to get outside and do something. Whether it’s fixing up the shed, cutting grass, working in the gardens, or just piddling around in the yard, the weather’s just right for it. Heck! Even the fishing’s not too bad these days,

And that sunshine? It’s like a free dose of Vitamin D3, something that everyone is lacking these days. But best of all, when the ‘work’s done’, there’s nothing like plopping down in a chair on your front porch or under a tree, soaking in what nature’s dishing out and watching the world go by It’s the kind of peace that’s pretty hard to beat.

But let me warn ya! Once you sit down, you might just start thinking you’ve earned yourself a nap. Truth told, I have been indulging in that after my lunch lately. ‘Just Because I Can!’

On another note, yesterday was a busy day for us. My wife and I took the car in for repairs, and thanks to our son, we found a decent place that does good work at a fair price. But I’ve got to say, I really miss my friend Kerry, who used to have a garage here in town. He was one of those guys who truly listened when you told him what was wrong with your car. And no matter how busy he was, he always had time to sit down and chat with me.

You know, people like Kerry are getting harder to find these days, and I really miss him now that he’s gone. He wasn’t just a great mechanic; he was also a good friend who always took the time to listen and work with me, instead of rushing me out the door. The thing is, that here in Ontario, both doctors, and honest mechanics, along with others of course, are becoming scarce, which is just plain ridiculous. I think we are wasting money on things that don’t matter, instead of investing in what truly counts—like making it worthwhile for skilled professionals to stay and work here.

The truth of the matter is, we need to reassess our priorities. If we don’t start investing in the people who genuinely make a difference, we’ll end up in a world where finding top-notch professionals is nearly impossible. That’s not a future any of us want. We also need to take a hard look at our immigration policies. Right now, we’ve got too many people coming in, without the infrastructure to support them properly. I think it’s time to slow things down until we can build up our services and systems to handle the influx. Bottom line, folks, we need to make sure we can take care of the folks already here—before we open the doors wider. It’s about finding the right balance to keep our communities strong and functioning well, which isn’t being done today. If this keeps up, we’re in for some real hard times. As a country that once was self-sufficient will soon become a country—that’s struggling to meet its own basic needs. We can’t or shouldn’t let that happen. My Opinion Only!

Highway 522 has seen a slight increase in traffic lately. This uptick is likely due to many families taking one last opportunity to enjoy the north before their children return to school. However, for my wife and I, this doesn’t pose much of a problem; as we appreciate, and like, the peace and quietness of the countryside.

With that, I’m off to enjoy breakfast that my lovely wife is making for me. It will consist of an Egg McMuffin with cheese and fresh tomatoes from our garden. You can’t beat that to get a guy motivated for the day ahead!

You all take care now, and don’t forget: “The best things in life
aren’t material possessions; they are the simple moments we share along
the way.” Which is what I try and do every morning, at least for those that tune in.

Fishing Times for Saturday

Major Times
4:16 AM-6:16 AM
4:43 PM-6:43 PM

Minor Times
12:16 PM-1:16 PM
9:56 PM-10:56 PM

Day Rating: I give it a 3-Star Rating out of 5 today for catching a few. Good Luck!

Advice from an Old Angler: “The best bait is patience; fish can sense when you’re in a hurry.”

Waking Up with the Land on August 23/2024

Good Morning!

You know, I have found that the best thing about living in the country, is waking up to the sound of nature, ‘instead of an alarm clock’.

It’s a foggy morning waking up here in the north. The mist is thick, keeping things quiet and still. But once the sun starts doing its job, things will clear up, and the day will come to life. I have always felt that living away from the cities, mornings like this were made for me. No rush, no noise…just quiet. And there is nothing better than…sipping a cup of coffee on the porch and watching as the sunlight breaks through the trees. ‘Life as it should be.’

Highway 522 did pick up a wee bit yesterday, which brought quite a few folks into our gift shop. They really liked our hand made items, all made right here at our home. No offshore stuff in our shop, just the real deal, and you know…folks these days are starting to appreciate that.Which is nice to see!

On another note, my lovely wife and I managed to get our grass cut yesterday. I have to say once finished, our property looks great, all neat and tidy. After we put things away, we got cleaned up and took a break to sit on the porch, while enjoying a cold drink, and taking in the view. It’s nice to see the results of our hard work and enjoy the peaceful setting. Kinda makes me wonder why more folks don’t swap city life for something this relaxing. But then again…living in the country isn’t for everyone. It takes a ‘special kind of person‘ who’s got it in their blood to really make a go of it and appreciate the simple life.

Today once again I am not sure what I will be doing, maybe my wife and I will take the day off and enjoy what we have… other than work. It’s good to do that occasionally. ‘Don’t ya think?’

With that, I am off for my breakfast that my little woman has made for me.

You all have a great day, and I will leave you with this to ponder on: “A calm day in the country is proof that nature has a better handle on things than we do.”

The Best Times For Fishing on Friday

Major Times
3:25 AM-5:25 AM
3:50 PM-5:50 PM

Minor Times
10:54 AM-11:54 AM
9:32 PM-10:32 PM

Day Rating: Not the best day for fishing, I only give it a 1-Star Rating out of 5 for catching a few. But, hey! One never really knows till they have their line in the water. Good Luck!

Advice from an Old Angler: You know, fishermen years ago would make their own lures from bits of metal, wood, or even repurposed items like old spoons. I remember my old Dad saying: “If you can’t make it yourself, you weren’t fishing properly…imagination is your best lure!” He’d go on to say.

Waking Up with the Critters, Old Feller Style on August 22/2024

Good Morning!

Nature’s Got Its Own Clock, and I’m Tryin’ to Keep Up

It’s a bit cool here in cottage country this morning, with the temperature rolling out of bed sitting at 11.2°C (52.16°F). Makes you think twice about stepping outside without a vest or jacket of some kind, that’s for sure. But in saying that, it won’t be long before the sun gets to work, warming things up and reminding us that summer hasn’t quite packed up and left us yet.

Even so, there’s a feeling in the air…a sort of nudge that says, “Hey, don’t get too comfortable. Fall’s on its way.” It should also be noted that, the leaves are starting to think about changing their outfits, and the days… seem to be in a bit more of a hurry, as if they’ve got somewhere important to be. “I’ve always believed that nature often gives us a heads-up about what’s coming. It’s up to us to pay attention and understand its signs.”

Highway 522 was a bit busier than usual yesterday, with town folks buzzing about, going here and there. For a small place, you’d wonder what keeps ‘em all so busy. Most of them weren’t in any big hurry though…just taking’ their time, driving slow, looking around, checking out what their neighbors were up to. You know how it is in the country…if someone’s painting a fence or fixing a shed, it’s a town event! Everyone’s got to have a peek, maybe offer some advice, whether it’s wanted or not. Heck, around here, you don’t even need to read a newspaper to find out what is happening. Just start up your chainsaw, and folks will come a running!

On another note, with the nice weather yesterday, I spent some time getting things ready for winter. Seems like there’s always something that needs doing this time of year. My wife, well, she kept busy making tomato sauces and such, which we’ll sure be thankful for when the snow flies. Store-bought ones just don’t have the taste. Some folks claim they like them, but I figure they’ve forgotten what a real tomato’s supposed to taste like. I’ve been eating ours every day since they ripened, and I’ll miss them when they’re gone. But that’s why my little woman’s been putting them up. I’m a lucky man to have her…she’s always one step ahead, making sure we’re set for the long cold days ahead. Truth told, I can’t imagine life without her, and I’m not just talking about the tomato sauce!

With that, I’m off to enjoy the breakfast my lovely wife has made. After that, I’ll get to cutting the grass. Man, it’s growing like crazy. But that’s what happens this time of year with the cool and wet weather…it sure loves it.

You all have a great day and remember: “If you can’t find peace in nature, maybe you’re not looking hard enough.” Us country folks though…know where to look. Take Care. GW

Fishing Times for Thursday

Major Times
2:34 AM-4:34 AM
3:00 PM-5:00 PM

Minor Times
9:32 AM-10:32 AM
9:11 PM-10:11 PM

Day Rating: Not the greatest day for fishing, I only give it a 1-Star Rating out of 5 for catching a few. But in saying that, one really never knows. Good Luck!

Advice from an Old Angler: If the fish aren’t biting, try changing your lure. Sometimes, a different colour, or size can make all the difference. I’ve always figured: “If the fish don’t like your first choice, give ‘em a second date, so to speak…just like people!”

Livin’ Slow and Easy on August 21/2024

Good Morning;

“Lookin’ outside, the dew’s on the grass, the sun’s peekin’ over the northern pines, and today’s just beggin’ for a story to be told.”

Looks like we’re in for another fine day here in Cottage Country. The sun’s shining like it’s got nothin’ better to do, the birds are pickin’ through their breakfast at the feeder like it’s a country diner, and the grass…well, it’s growin’ so fast I reckon I’ll be dustin’ off my old mower by tomorrow morning.

Highway 522’s been pretty quiet for this time of year, not too many new faces passing through. But that’s how it goes when the air starts getting a touch cool, and parents are busy gearing up for the kids to head back to school. It’s hard to believe summer’s nearly packed its bags. Just a reminder that up here in the north, you’ve gotta make hay, while the sun shines…because before long, you’ll be swapping out your garden gloves for a snow shovel, wondering where the warm days went.

On another note, my wife and I took a little trip to North Bay yesterday. We had a list of groceries and a few other things we’d been needing, so we figured it was time to stock things up. We navigated the store, crossing things off as we went, and before long, we had everything we came for…plus a few extras, we didn’t know we needed until we saw them. Seems that always happens!

After all that shopping, we treated ourselves to a Canadian Pizza with the works at East Side Mario’s, washed down with an ice tea. It hit the spot, let me tell you. Then, we couldn’t resist stopping by a local coffee shop for a hot cup of coffee, to sip on the way home.

The drive back was nice, with the trees starting to show the first hints of fall. We took our time, windows down, just letting the breeze and the scenery remind us, why we love living up here in the north. It’s funny how a simple trip can turn into something more, like a reminder to slow down, and take in the little things. In these parts, you learn that a good day isn’t measured by how much you get done, but by how well you enjoy what you’re doing, and yesterday, I’d say my lovely wife and I did just fine.

You know... I’ve seen folks get so caught up in rituals and rules, believing that’s what makes a life worthwhile. In my way of thinking, it’s not about how often you attend services, or having someone tell you their way is the only way. No Sir! A good day, for me, is about finding joy in simple things…like a quiet drive, or a shared meal, with the ones you love.

Today I am not sure what I will be doing, I guess I will have to wait and see.

With that I am off for my breakfast that my lovely wife has made for me and will then get to enjoying this great looking day.! As it should be!

You all have a great day and remember The best things in life are often the simplest. Take care now!

Fishing Times for Wednesday

Major Times
1:44 AM-3:44 AM
2:09 PM-4:09 PM

Minor Times
8:09 AM-9:09 AM
8:52 PM-9:52 PM

Day Rating: I give it a 3-Star Rating for catching a few. Good Luck!

Advice from an Old Angler: Poppers create a lot of surface noise, and are great for top water action. Cast them into open water, or near an old stump or a Lillie Pad, and give them a few pops. I’ve always said that: “Poppers are like a knock on the door…with fish come to see who’s causing a fuss!”

Old Paths and New Days on August 18/2024

Mornin’, everyone! “The best part of wakin’ up in the country? The peace, the quiet, and the chance to do it all again.”

It’s a cloudy, wet morning here in Cottage country and I have to say since yesterday we’ve been getting a bit of rain here in Port Loring, and while you might think it’s from that hurricane heading up the coast, it’s not directly the cause. What’s happening is a bit more complex. The local weather systems are doing their usual thing, but with the hurricane down south stirring things up, we’re seeing some extra moisture making its way up here. So, even though we’re not in the path of the hurricane, it’s still nudging our weather a bit, giving our gardens a good soak which in truth is needed. It’s just one of those reminders that even when a storm is miles away, it can still reach out and touch us in unexpected ways. Mother Nature has a funny way of keeping us all connected.

Highway 522 has been quiet lately, and that’s just how my wife and I like it. As truth told, we enjoy the peace and quietness of country living. But even with the slow traffic, our gift shop has been quite busy with folks stopping by to see what we’ve got. They’re picking up some of the one-of-a-kind items we make right here in my old woodworking shop. You know, we don’t carry offshore items, the reason being there’s already plenty of that around, and we prefer not to be sending our hard-earned money elsewhere. We’re proud to offer unique, locally crafted pieces that truly reflect the spirit of our work.

Bug Report: All is well in that department.

On another note, with yesterday’s weather being all over the place, I spent the day indoors working on stories for my newspaper columns along with a few magazines. Actually it turned out to be a productive day, though some days flow better than others.

With that I am off for my breakfast that my lovely wife is or has made for me and will then do some more writing. Not the greatest day for outside work.

You all have a great day, and remember: “Wisdom is like a good pair of shoes—those who need it most often seem to be walking around without it, stumbling over the same old mistakes.”

Fishing Times for Sunday

Major Times
11:29 AM-1:29 PM

Minor Times
3:54 AM-4:54 AM
7:44 PM-8:44 PM

Day Rating: Actually if it wasn’t for the rain it’s a good day for fishing. I give it a 4-Star Rating out of 5 for catching a few. Good Luck!

Advice from an Old Angler: Learn a few simple knots to keep your hooks and lures secure. The improved clinch knot is a favorite. I’ve always said, ‘A good knot is like a good handshake—firm and reliable!’

Livin’ Slow and Easy Here in The North on August 17/2024

I took another picture of a different kind of sunflower/s we grow here at our home. It brightens my day every morning, as I walk to my woodworking shop.

Click on image to enlarge!

Good Morning!

Being boarded out on a dairy farm years ago taught me one thing: That living in the country means-you get to greet the day-before it even knows you’re coming.

We’re in the midst of some clouds here this morning in cottage country. We did have a wee bit of rain through the night, which was much needed as the ground’s been dry, and the trees and plants were more than ready for a good drink. Furthermore, we could use a bit more, and it looks like we just might get some, off and on throughout the day. But with that said, we should be seeing a bit of sunshine as well, thrown in for good measure. Enjoy the warmth while you can.

Highway 522 hasn’t been overly busy for the past few days, and I suspect it will get even slower now that September isn’t all that far off. With kids getting ready to head back to school, many folks are busy with last-minute preparations. I have to say, summer sure has flown by; seems like just yesterday we were welcoming the warm days of summer, and now we’re already gearing up for the change of season. And not to forget that it’s almost time to start thinking about bringing in some firewood. I like to get ours in before the dampness of fall sets in, which tends to sneak up quickly this time of year.

Bug Report: No major issues this time of year, except for those pesky little nit flies that manage to sneak through the screens at night. They seem to have a knack for finding you, just when you’re cozy in bed, book in hand, ready to relax; I guess they’re just trying to get in on the bedtime story! ‘Just the same, my wife and I would be happy without them.

On another note, I’ve been keeping busy around the house these days. I decided to see if I could get an old gas pressure washer working, that’s been sitting around for years, all covered in dust and grime. After a bit of fussing and a lot of sputtering, it finally decided to cooperate. I then washed the whole house and, boy, I didn’t realize how dirty it had gotten! When I finished, the house looked like it had been freshly painted. It’s funny how a bit of old-fashioned know-how, and some elbow grease, can make such a big difference. And now that it’s done such a great job after being neglected for so long, I reckon I’ll have to keep it in good shape; actually I’ve got a nice place where it’ll be nice and dry for the winter-after all, it earned a little rest and comfort after proving it’s still got plenty of life left in it!

On the other side of the coin, my lovely wife has been hard at work on painting orders folks have asked for. On top of that, she’s been busy getting things ready for winter from our garden. I have to say, I feel pretty lucky to have her; she’s always working hard, and keeping everything running smoothly around here. It’s amazing how much she accomplishes, the truth of the matter is, I couldn’t do it without her.

With that, I’m off for breakfast; a bowl of Shredded Wheat for a change, prepared by my little woman, along with a piece of toast and real butter. I’m not one for that artificial stuff. Actually, I feel no one should be eating it, along with that artificial sugar. After breakfast, I’ll see what the day has in store. Right now, I’m not quite sure what I’ll be doing.

You all have a great day and remember: “Common sense is like deodorant-the people who need it most, never seem to use it.”

Fishing Times for Saturday

Major Times
1:00 AM-3:00 AM
10:31 AM-12:31 PM

Minor Times
2:33 AM-3:33 AM
7:13 PM-8:13 PM

Day Rating: I give it a 3-Star Rating out of 5 today for catching a few. Good Luck! ‘And don’t forget your raincoat.’

Advice from an Old Angler: A classic red-and-white bobber is perfect for beginners. It’ll let you know when you’ve got a bite. I always say; “A bobber is like a fishing alarm clock—it wakes you up to the fact that you’ve got a fish on the line!”

Country Dawn, Old Feller’s Thoughts on August 13/2024

Rise and shine! The sun’s up, the birds are singin’, and the cows won’t milk themselves. So get yourself a movin’.

It’s one beautiful morning here, waking up in cottage country. And there’s something about the crisp northern air that makes you feel like the world is brand new each day. In my mind, there isn’t anything quite like living here in the north.

You know, living where we do, a feller learns to appreciate the simple things—like the sound of loons calling across the lake or the smell of a wood fire on a chilly evening. And there’s wisdom in that; As we don’t need the hustle and bustle to remind us we’re alive; Truth told… the rustle of leaves and the call of crows, do just fine.

Folks down south might have their cities and their fast-paced lives, but I believe that they’re missing out on something special up here—something that can’t be bought or built. Up here, it’s the simple things that remind you of what really matters, the things that make you feel truly alive. And if you ask me, there’s a bit of humor in that too. Because while others might be chasing after the next big thing, we’ve already found it!

Highway 522 is still unusually quiet for this time of year. I guess it’s a combination of being tucked away up here, along with the way the world’s turning lately. With the cost of everything going up, I think folks are keeping closer to home, watching their pocket books. But in saying that, as much as I enjoy seeing new faces passing through, there’s a certain peace in the stillness, that I can’t help but appreciate. It’s like the world has slowed down just a bit, giving us a chance to breathe. Not that I’ve got anything against city folks—everyone’s welcome here—but there’s something special about the quiet moments in our little corner of the world.

On another note, yesterday I was outside wrestling with a window that decided to crack for no apparent reason. Got the old glass out without too much trouble. Next time I’m in town, I’ll pick up a new pane and install it—should help keep us a bit warmer come winter. It’s always something with these little projects, but there’s a certain satisfaction in tackling them myself.

Meanwhile, my wife was hard at work with the tomatoes, prepping them for winter. She never seems to stop—truly a marvel of energy and dedication. I feel incredibly lucky and proud to have her by my side. If there was ever a mold for a hardworking and caring partner, they surely broke it after making her.

Do you think that might get me a pie for supper?

Today, well, to be honest, I’m not entirely sure what I’ll be doing. I’ve managed to tick off most of the things I wanted to do this summer. But you know how it goes—there’s always something that needs doing. Maybe I’ll tackle some painting on the windows, fix a few drafts around the doors, or… pull out some more of those never-ending weeds or clean my woodworking shop, and then there is that firewood that needs to be brought into the basement for winter Oh, hell, who am I kidding? It seems like I’ve still got a mountain of things left to do. Truth is, it’s like the list never ends. But hey, that’s just part of living in the country, isn’t it?

With that once again I am off for my breakfast that my lovely wife put together for me, and will then head on out to our front porch and enjoy a cup of Turmeric Tea. Very healthy for ya.

You all have a great day, and I will leave you with this to ponder on: “A smart life is one where you don’t take yourself too seriously— whereas, laughing at yourself, keeps you grounded.” GW

Fishing Times for Tuesday

Major Times
6:41 AM-8:41 AM
7:07 PM-9:07 PM

Minor Times
3:26 PM-4:26 PM

Day Rating: Things are getting a bit better these days, I give it a 3-Star Rating today out of 5 for catching a few. Good Luck!

Advice from an Old Angler: Live bait, such as worms or minnows, often works better than lures. Just remember to keep it fresh and lively. I have always said that; “Fish like live bait because it’s the closest thing to a free meal they’re going to get!”

And Gohm’s Bait and Tackle at; 18 Davis Dr here in Port Loring, Ontario, has everything you need in the way of bait along with other things.

Ask for Reg and tell him George sent ya!

Daybreak with an Old Feller in Northern Ontario on August 10/2024

Our Phlox are looking real fine this year. They’ve got a sweet smell that reminds me of cherries. It’s like they’re trying to bribe us into spending more time in the garden.

Click on image to enlarge!

Good Morning!

Old Truths: You can learn a lot just sittin’ on the porch, watchin’ the world go by, especially in small towns.

It’s another perfect day here in cottage country. The temperature’s just right, and there’s not a hint of humidity to speak of. Everything’s growing like it’s in a race, and honestly, I’m just trying to keep up! Truth be told, it’s been a fantastic summer so far, at least weather-wise.

Even the mosquitoes seem to be on vacation, probably off annoying someone else for a change. The sun’s shining, the birds are enjoying our bird feeder, the breeze is gentle, and I’m starting to think I could get used to this— at least until winter rolls around, which reminds me that it won’t be long before my wife and I have to put in our firewood for winter. It’s like everything around here has a mind of its own, and we’re just the unpaid help! But hey, keeps me… out of trouble… mostly.

Highway 522 hasn’t been all that busy this year. Oh, there are a few folks roaming around, but for the most part, it’s been pretty quiet. A couple of campers here and there, maybe a family out for a Sunday drive, but nothing to write home about. It’s almost as if the highway is on vacation itself. But our gift shop has seen a lot of new faces so far this year, which is nice.

On another note, my wife and I have been busy in our gardens, these days, along with other things that need attending, mostly in the mornings. My afternoons for a week or so are reserved for writing. I’m getting ahead on my stories so that when winter arrives, I can concentrate on other projects—like finally finishing that sci-fi mystery novel I’ve been working on. At the rate I’m going… it might solve itself before I do!

With that, I’m off for breakfast, which my lovely wife is making for me. After that, I’ll head out to our front porch with a cup of hot cocoa, take in the peaceful country view, and enjoy the quiet of the morning.

You all have a great day, and I will leave you with this to ponder on: “Enjoy the little things in life, because one day… you might look back and realize they were the big things.” GW

Fishing Times for Saturday

Major Times
4:27 AM-6:27 AM
4:47 PM-6:47 PM

Minor Times
11:59 AM-12:59 PM
10:23 PM-11:23 PM

Day Rating: Not the greatest day for fishing, I give it a 2-Star Rating out of 5 for catching a few. Good Luck!

Advice from an Old Angler: A stringer keeps your fish fresh until you’re ready to head home. Just tie it to a dock, the side of your boat, or a stick in the water. I’ve always said, “A fish on a stringer is like a kid with candy—keeps ’em from wandering too far away!”

Notes from a Northern Ontario Morning on August 7/2024

Good Morning!

Old Truths: “The best way to stay young is to hang out with old folks who refuse to grow up. Like me GW!”

Well, what can I say, other than we here in cottage country are in the midst of a really nice day. The sun is shining, the lakes and rivers are calm, and the air carries that sweet scent of pine and wildflowers. It’s the kind of day that makes you appreciate the simple pleasures of life.

You can hear the distant sound of a motorboat now and then, a reminder that even in this peaceful place, folks are out and about, enjoying the water and the warm weather. The birds are singing, and every so often, you catch sight of a deer at the edge of the woods, nibbling on the fresh green shoots.

It’s the kind of day that takes me back to when I was younger, when life was a bit slower, and our connection to nature was stronger. I remember when my kids were little, and we’d spend days like this fishing off the dock, skipping stones, and just being together without the distractions of modern life. Those were good times, and days like today bring back those fond memories.

Highway 522 has slowed down somewhat, but yesterday, my lovely wife Ruth and I took a drive into North Bay to pick up a few things we needed. I have to say, there was a lot of traffic on the highways. But that’s normal for this time of year, with folks wanting to escape the hustle and bustle of the cities.

The stores were busy, but not so much that we couldn’t enjoy ourselves. After we picked up our needs, not our wants, we had a Canadian Pizza at East Side Mario’s. Now, I have to tell you, that’s about the best pizza I’ve ever tasted, and I’ve had quite a few in my day. Washed it down with some iced tea. My wife and I enjoy going there. Ruth’s Italian, so we fit right in, especially with the food.

After that, we picked up a coffee at a little coffee shop and headed on home, taking in the beauty of nature as we drove. The trees were nice and green, and the wildflowers were in full bloom, making for a scenic drive.

All in all, it was one great day! Oh, and the weather couldn’t have been any better. Just a perfect day for a drive. As they say, it’s the simple things in life that bring the most joy. And sometimes, a good pizza and a drive through the countryside with a beautiful woman by your side, are all you need to set things right. Remember, folks, it’s not about what you buy; it’s about the memories you make along the way.

Bug Report: Truth be told, it’s not all that bad out there these days, other than a few pesky deer flies. Once they set their sights on you, they won’t leave you alone. Pain in the… that’s what they are.

With that, I’m off for my breakfast that my little woman is making for me. After that, I’ll see what the day has in store. I never know—every day is a new chapter waiting to be written. And as they say, the best way to face the unknown is with a full belly and a heart ready for whatever comes.

You all have a great day and remember: “You can’t help getting older, but you don’t have to get old.”


Major Times
2:30 AM-4:30 AM
2:49 PM-4:49 PM

Minor Times
8:46 AM-9:46 AM
9:37 PM-10:37 PM

Day Rating: I give it a 3-Star Rating out of 5 for catching a few. Good Luck!

Advice from an Old Angler: Crank baits are handy for covering lots of water when you’re fishing. Just reel them in steadily and change up your speed to see what the fish prefer. I’ve always thought of crank baits like a good story: sometimes you need to take it slow and easy, and other times you let it run wild and free. GW

An Old Writer’s Morning in Northern Ontario on August 5/2024

We dug our garlic yesterday. Sure is tasty. I enjoy eating a raw clove or two every day with a piece of 3-year-old cheese.

Click on image to enlarge!

Good morning!

Food For Thought: The best way to remember your wife’s birthday is to forget it once. Trust me!

It’s a cloudy morning here in the north, and we did have a few light showers overnight. Not enough to do any good, though, as it barely wet the ground. Taking a look at things, I kind of figure that this month in Northern Ontario looks to be shaping up in a way that old timers might recognize. The jet stream will stretch from the Pacific Northwest to Atlantic Canada, keeping the cooler air in our area. While our neighbours to the south sweat it out under intense heat, we can expect our typical mix of warm days and the occasional thunderstorm. As the month moves forward, the severe weather should stay closer to the border.

Highway 522 was very quiet over the weekend, caused by folks feeling the pinch these days. And I can’t say I blame them.

Bug Report: There have been some deer flies bothering folks these days.

On another note, with it being so warm yesterday, I decided to stay inside where it was cooler and work on another story. Always good to have a few extra stories on hand.

Early in the morning, though, my wife and I picked tomatoes to get them ready for the freezer. Had a good crop this year, full of juice and flavour, that makes your mouth water, and leaves you wanting more. We’ve been eating them daily, and freezing them will make for some tasty meals come winter. Ain’t nothing like the taste of homegrown tomatoes to brighten up a dish, or my face for that matter, when it’s cold outside.

Today, well… I’m not exactly sure what I’ll be doing. To be honest, Ruth and I have wrapped up nearly everything outside we needed to do for the year. It’s a satisfying feeling to see it all come together, especially since it’s been a long time coming. We’ve spent years working tirelessly, always with something else on our to-do list, and now it feels like we finally have a moment to breathe. At least for a couple of days.

With that I’m off for breakfast, that my lovely wife has prepared for me… a toasted sandwich featuring tomatoes fresh from our garden. Sure, the bacon’s there too, but we all know it’s not exactly the health food of the century. Still, it adds a bit of flavour, even if some health folks might raise an eyebrow. There’s nothing like a bacon and tomato sandwich to start the day right… or end it!

You all have a great day and remember: “Laughter is timeless, imagination has no age, and dreams, well… they are forever.”

Fishing Times for Monday

Major Times
1:06 AM-3:06 AM
1:28 PM-3:28 PM

Minor Times
6:33 AM-7:33 AM
9:06 PM-10:06 PM

Day Rating: I give it a 3-Star Rating out of 5 for catching a few. Good Luck!

Advice from an Old Angler: Fish love to hang out in the shadows created by trees or docks. Cast your line just inside the shaded areas. I’ve always said that, “Fish don’t like the sun any more than we do on them hot summer days, they’re lookin’ for shade.”