Port Loring Ontario, Information, Weather & Fishing Times

Good morning:  Not to bad a morning thus far.  Rain is in the forecast for a bit later on.  Temperatures waking up were sitting at…14.9 C | 58.82 F.  Will warm up as the day marches forward.

Forecast For Today:  Stormy, much rain.

Bug Report:    Well in and around town here in Port Loring there isn’t really any bugs to speak of.  But now in saying that if one should venture out into the thickets itself, there is a few mosquitoes irritating folks.  I was out fishing yesterday and through the day it was quite nice, but when the sun went down, that was a different story.  Didn’t take us long getting the boat loaded on the trailer when our fishing trip came to an end, let me tell ya.  Even the car was full.  So they are still with us, but mostly in the evening hours.  Can’t complain.

Fishing Report:  I had a good day out on the water yesterday with my good friend Barry.  He hooked on a couple really nice ones probably weighing a good 5 to 6 pounds but both we lost, just one of those things.  No matter how good a fisherman some one is there are still a few fish out there that knows just how to shake that hook from their mouth.  Which is what happened in this case.  Myself I got  a pretty nice size rock bass which we kept and it will give the wife and I a good meal tonight.  Had a great time, taking in what nature has to offer along with the company of a good friend.  Today for bait I recommend either live minnows or leeches.  That is what we caught most on yesterday and thinking they will be even better today.  The old weather stick today is saying that the best times to be out there will be from 7:00 AM – 9:30 AM.  Then again from 4:00 PM – 8:00 PM.  I give it a 2 fish rating for catching them out of 4 this morning and a 3 fish rating for catching them out of 4 this afternoon.  Good luck to you.

Around Town:  We have the Farmers Day taking place at our Farmers Market this Thursday and no one should miss it. Lots of extra folks will be there selling items and showing off what they have to offer.  For all the information you can click the flyer below.






Closing, I Would Like To Wish You Well.
For Those That Would Like To Get In Touch With Me, You Can reach me at;
[email protected]

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