Hunting Information, Weather & News For Port Loring Ontario Canada

Good Morning:  Well not as cold this morning.  Temperatures are sitting at…-0.4 C | 31.28 F.

Forecast For Today:  Stormy, could see lots of snow or mixed rain throughout the day.

Hunting Times:   This morning the old weathers stick is saying that the best times to be out there will be from, 8:00 AM – 10:00 AM.   Then again a bit later 4:00 PM – 5:30 PM.  Winds are coming in from the, North West and at the moment calm.  They will pick up some as the day progresses to around 12 MPH.  I give it a 4 Buck Rating out of 5 for seeing a few.

Around Town:  Highway 522 this morning has a skiff of snow upon it here and there but not so bad as of yet.  Things could change though as one really never knows. Things are quiet around town.  Did stop off  and chatted at a few business’s  yesterday and not much happening there.  Thinking folks are gearing up for Christmas which is keeping them quite busy.  At any rate, enjoy your day, stay warm and safe.  You can reach me if you like, George Walters at  [email protected]

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