Happenings In & Around Port Loring Ontario

Good Morning:  Damp morning here in Port Loring. Waking up temperatures were sitting at 3.1 C | 37.58 F.

Forecast For Today: Showery early, improving with some sunshine a bit later on in the day.

Snow Report:  No snow accumulations overnight.  None in the forecast in the coming days.

Highway Report:  Highway 522 is bare and wet this morning throughout.  Travelling will be good.

Around Town:  Not to much in the way of things happening these days.  Stores are still resting easy.  More folks are out and about though with cars moving up and down the highway.  Grass is starting to green up some and won’t be long before  the trees start to fill in the landscape.  Always look forward to spring, as all is new and new beginnings are to be made if one chooses to do so.  Even a dull day has it’s rewards in this country.  Tea time here, orange pekoe tea is on the menu.  Nothing is more soothing than a fine cup of tea looking out upon what nature has to offer.  Enjoy your day and stay safe.  You can reach George Walters at [email protected]

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