Good Morning: Nice sunny day here in Port Loring Ontario. Waking up temperatures were sitting at 12.1 C | 53.78 F. Will warm up considerably in a bit.
Forecast For Sunday: Today we will have mostly sunshine. Later on and into tonight we could see some showers. Great day to enjoy the outdoors.
Bug Report: Things are good.
Highway Report: Highway 522 is quiet and travelling will be good.
Fishing Information: This morning the old weather stick is saying that the best times to be out there will be from 7:00 AM – 9:30 AM. Then once again from 4:00 PM – 6:30 AM. I give it a 5 fish rating out of 5 for catching a few. One of the best days this year for fishing. Be it large mouth bass or pickerel. Good Luck!
Body Pain Related To Weather: Today the weather will be a help to those suffering from Rheumatism (Body & joint pain.) Another great day to enjoy outside soaking up some much needed sunshine.
Around Town: Not to much to report here on this find Sunday morning. Stores are quiet but it is to be expected here in our small town this time of year. Gardens are winding down somewhat with potatoes ready to be dug. Garlic is strung up drying along with beets dug and reburied in a dry spot for winter. In all respects things are going as planned. Even the weather is co-operating these days. With that heading off for my morning tea. Turmeric is my choice this morning. Good now and then, helps clean the blood and removes inflammation. Enjoy your day and stay safe.
Inquiries: [email protected]