Another pretty good-looking day waking up. We should see some sunshine later on. Temperatures were at -4 C | 24.8 F But they are saying we might get some freezing rain Saturday night into Sunday morning and snow and blowing snow Sunday evening. So it’s not going to be a very nice weekend. It’s kind of, a January thaw but in February. Any kind of weather that gets rid of this white stuff is alright with me. I am ready to look out my window and see green for a change. Highway 522 is pretty well all bare. I would think if you need to go to town for some groceries, today would be the day. Or wait till next Tuesday, as sunshine is in the forecast for most of next week. It’s just that we will be getting some more cold temperatures. Not as cold as we have had though. Things are changing but slowly. With that I guess I will go and light the wood furnace. With these warm temperatures I burn oil through the night, which allows my lovely wife and I to get some much-needed sleep. Have a great day.