Winter eventually runs out of cold and snow, right? Well we can only hope. This morning it is quite cold once again. Temperatures waking up were sitting at -18.4 C | -1.12 F Not as cold as it was yesterday, but it’s still chilly out there. Highway 522 is bare and dry this morning, with a few cars traveling here and there. I am not sure where they all go, as we only have two stores in town. But as long as it makes them happy. The forecast today is calling for a passing morning flurry; otherwise it will be cloudy with a touch of sunshine, staying very cold. On another note we did manage to get our driveway and things cleared of snow yesterday. I didn’t go out though till after lunch when the temperatures got a bit warmer. Even still it was cool out there working. I was glad when it was finished and back in the house where it was warm. With that I am going to have my morning cup of coffee and breakfast. Then we will see what the day has to offer. Usually it is what ever I want it to be. Have a great day. GW