Well once again, we wake up to snow. I was hoping we had seen the last of the white stuff. But I guess not. We didn’t get that much just a dusting, but still. Temperatures were sitting at -2.2 C | 28.04 F Actually quite cool. We could see a morning flurry; otherwise, a blend of sun and clouds; breezy and cool. Highway 522 is bare but wet. Travelling will be good but not a real nice day for going anywhere. It should improve as the day progresses. It will remain cool though for a couple days. So with that, I am off to start the wood furnace. I had a funny hunch that we might be getting some cooler weather, so I brought in a bit more wood yesterday. Glad I did now. Sometimes you got to go with your gut feelings. Although … over the years weather and me has had an understanding. Have a great day! GW

Hello Mr Walters:
I am Mark Vincent, who interviewed several times on CKTO radio in North Bay 10 yrs ago.
Do you & your wife still operate the craft shop at the bend of Hwy 522, left turn to Port Shores & Jakes? What hours/week days are you open?
I may be with a seniors fall colour tour on houseboat(s) later in Sept. and would likely stop at your store. Is the metal work craft shop still operating east of village?
Thx. Mark
cell 705-498-8303; [email protected]
Hi Mark nice to hear from you. Yep my wife and I still have our small store. Feel free to drop by anytime your in the area. Our address is 11588 Highway 522 Here in Port Loring. Got a large sign out front Creations by Ruth and George Walters can’t miss it.