A great looking day out there waking up. Temperatures were sitting at 15.4 C | 59.72 F. It will warm up considerably in a bit and nice weather should remain with us for the rest of the week. Great day to do some shopping in North Bay if you are in need. Myself I enjoy going to town if the weather is nice. Nothing nicer than enjoying the scenery along the way. Gives you a whole new perspective on life and more importantly lets you know there is life other than here in Port Loring. LOL. A person can get cabin fever if left in one place too long. On another note the black flies are still out in full force the damp cool weather slowed them down, but they are back now for a while. The mosquitoes are just as bad sneaking in the house whenever they get at chance only to annoy you later on when you are having a rest. What can you do? Nothing really. With that I am off for my morning coffee and will see if I can lower this grass a touch, that is growing leaps and bounds these days. GW