Morning Chat Feb. 25/2021

Good Morning! Starting things off, the sun is shinning here in Port Loring, Ontario, this morning. I have to admit, it sure looks pretty out there, with the sun, and all the snow we have had for the past two days. The branches on the trees are just hanging with so much snow on them. The temperature this morning is a touch cool sitting at -13.3 C | 8.06 F, It will warm up some as the day moves forward. Also, it should be noted that by the weekend, we will have some more snow, not too much just a couple inches. But the good news is on Sunday it could reach as high as 40 Degrees Fahrenheit. We might even get in some front porch sittin’ Highway 522 is snow covered with lots of icy sections throughout. So care will have to be taken if out and about. On another note yesterday we stayed inside for most of the day, other than walking to the shop to feed my stove. If nothing else it gave me some exercise along with some fresh northern air. I have to say we sure had our share of snow the past two days. I would say around another 8 to 10 inches. More in certain locations. Like up in front of my woodworking shop. It seems to pile up there more than anywhere else. This morning after breakfast we will get busy and clean things up. I suspect it will take most of the morning, and maybe a bit of the afternoon, with their being so much. Kerry my friend who is cleaning my driveway is running out of places to put the snow. I would say it is the most we have had in the past 16 years. Not complaining mind ya, as we knew moving here years ago what to expect. Of course, we were younger than we are now LOL. With that I am off for a bowl of oatmeal with my lovely wife and will then get to work. I can hear my snowblower calling me, raring to get to work. Have a great day and stay safe this new variant is closing in on everyone. GW

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