Morning Chat April 2/2021

Good Morning! It’s a sunny day here in Port Loring Ontario, It is a bit cool though with the temperature sitting at -6.3 C | 20.66 F. It will warm up a wee bit as the day moves forward. And by the looks of things now, it will start to warm up a lot come Sunday, and all next week is looking pretty nice too. I am thinking my wife and I will be doing some front porch sittin in the coming days. We … also have a big job to do outside getting ready for an outside shower and things, so I might get into that if I feel up to it. I would like to get a lot of it done before the blackflies enter into the picture. Then when they arrive I will work on installing a new wood stove we bought in the cottage, where I can get away from them blood sucking parasites. So lots to do. Highway 522 is bare and dry this morning, which will make travelling good, but it’s best if you stay home. I see they have a lock-down for all of Ontario starting tomorrow. Which is a good thing, and I have been saying it all along. IN doing so it will give folks time to get the vaccine, along with bringing down the numbers, as it is getting real bad with folks getting sick, and the death rate is rising a lot too. The problem was that if you close one town down, and not the rest, people just up and go to the towns or cities that aren’t locked down, which in turn spreads it even more. I also feel that they should have closed down a lot more stores like all the churches along with the schools. The Bottom line is, that a lot of people don’t care, and they won’t care … until they become sick, or someone in their family becomes sick or? What a shame that is. At any rate … I don’t want to get to thinking on them things today. Why? Well … it’s my birthday, and all I want to think on today is good things. You know … I had a feller call me yesterday to wish me a Happy Birthday, and he went on to say. You don’t look that old! I thanked him, and then I got to thinking about that statement. And you know what? I am still thinking about that statement LOL Have a great day and stay safe. GW

Happy Birthday, George!!

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