Morning Chat May 4/2021

Good Morning! It’s a rainy day here in Port Loring, Ontario. The temperature getting out of bed was sitting at 5.7 C | 42.26 F. I am afraid the rain will remain with us for most of the day. Highway 522 is picking up with more people travelling every day. On another note the grass is about ready to cut for the first time this year. I do have a lot of outside work that needs to be done, but with it being so cold and wet I haven’t felt like doing anything. And you know? I can do that. LOL Yesterday I worked in our cottage to be, helping my lovely wife for a while. Later on I wrote up a story for my newspaper columns. Today being so wet I will stay inside. With that I am off for my morning bowl of oatmeal and will then let the day unfold around me. Take care, and stay safe. This virus is sure taking its toll on the young these days, and our hospitals are full. Things should start to taper off once folks get vaccinated, along with staying home. Some don’t like it, but truth be told … they are the only things we have that protects us, or at the very least keeps us out of the hospitals. Have a good day. GW

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