Good Morning! It’s a great looking Sept 1st day here in Port Loring, Ontario, Canada. The sun is shinning with the temperature sitting at 8.8 C | 47.84 F. Which, as you can see, that things have cooled down a lot. It will warm up as the day moves forward. But not as warm as it was. And along with that, I don’t suspect we will get any rain until Sunday. And then it won’t amount to much. Highway 522 has quieted down somewhat with the kids getting ready to go back to school. On another note, we have once again been busy taking down some more trees. We took down 15 earlier in the year, my wife and I by ourselves. But there were still four that were leaning the wrong way. So we hired a feller to take them down. I have to say he did a fantastic job. After he left, my wife and I got busy and cleaned things up, which was a job in itself. And we aren’t finished yet. Today we will finish it. But we did get the bulk of the work done yesterday. I do have a couple more small dead ones to come down, which, if I can drum up enough energy, will do later on in the day. First things first. After that, I think we should have all our projects we planned on doing this year completed and then some. It is hard to believe we did what we did. LOL, I don’t know where we got all our energy this year. With that, I am off for my morning bowl of cereal and will then get to work. Take care and stay safe. GW
Fishing Times: Today, my old weather stick is saying that the best times to be out there will be between 8:00 AM – 10:00 AM. Then again from 4:00 PM – 6:30 PM. I give it a 1-Star Rating out of 5 for catching a few. With the weather cooling down, it will slow things down some. But later on in the week it will get better. Good Luck!
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Taking Down More Trees That Needed to be done.