Morning Chat, Sep. 15/2021

Good Morning. It’s a nice looking day here in Port Loring, Ontario. Especially with the sunshine. The temperature getting out of bed was sitting at 10.9 C | 51.62 F. It will warm up as the day moves forward. And by the looks of things we should be having some sunshine now for the next week or so. The temperatures will also remain quite nice. Highway 522 was fairly busy yesterday, mostly with trucks working in our area. But there were a lot of cars, trucks and campers too. Yesterday I worked away bringing in our firewood for winter. I surprised myself and got most of it all in. I will easily finish it this morning, that is … if my old body holds up, LOL. So far, so good. Amazing really with all the work that my lovely wife and I have done this summer. It’s hard to believe I am able to do what I am doing being the age I am. I guess it all boils down with what is in one’s mind and eating healthy. Let’s hope it keeps up the good work. This morning, I started the oil furnace for the first time. Mainly to see if it still works, and to take out the dampness from the house. With that humid weather we had from them storms coming up from the south, the old house was pretty damp. It seems to be working good so far. The tornado watch we had yesterday didn’t amount to anything in our area. Which is a good thing, as we sure don’t need them. On another note, my vegetable gardens are about had it for this year. My wife has been steadily putting things into the freezer for later use in between her painting orders and other things. I have to say, we had a very good crop of peppers this year. We also had a good crop of potatoes, which will sure be nice this winter. I found last year the potatoes in the stores weren’t very good. Most of every bag we bought we had to throw away. Actually, it was that way for a good number of items. The thing is we paid good money for them and to throw them away … well let’s just say it isn’t good. That was the reason I decided to grow my own this year. I would think we will have around three bushels or so. I haven’t dug them yet, as I like to leave them in the ground as long as I can. That way, they will last for most of the winter in our basement. The thing is you have to keep them where it is dark leaving some dirt on them, in the open, where the air can get around them, and it should be cool where you store them. With that bit of information under your hat, I am off for my morning bowl of oatmeal with my lovely wife, and then I will get to work. I can’t wait to get outside and breath in some of our northern air. Take care and stay safe. So far here in Ontario we are doing pretty good with this virus that is among us. Let’s hope we keep it up. I think the reason is that we live in a country that the people live quite a way apart. In other countries, they are packed in like sardines. I hope we never become like them!!! Anyway take care. GW

Fishing Times: This morning, my old weather stick is saying that the best times to be out there with your line in the water will be between 4:00 PM – 7:00 PM. I give it a 1-Star Rating out of 5 for catching a few. Things will get better later on in the week. Good Luck!

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