What’s Happening on February 17/2022

It’s a cloudy morning here in Port Loring, Ontario. But the good part is … the temperature is sitting slightly above the freezing mark, which will melt some more snow. Getting out of bed, it was sitting at -0.1 C | 31.82 F. It won’t warm up much more than that. Actually things will start to drop later on today bringing in more seasonable temperatures. We are also having some light rain at the moment, and it will continue off and on for most of the day. Which could cause some slippery sections on Highway 522 along with the side roads. So extra care will be needed if out and about.

Being so warm, I let my wood furnace go out yesterday in the afternoon and through the night. If it gets too warm outside, the wood furnace is a wee bit too much. When that happens, I click on the oil furnace, which does a fine job.

Yesterday, my wife and I had a busy day getting some personal things out of the way, which took most of the day. You know, there are times in life that I wished I could do without. The problem is that some of these things has to be done. Anyway … today I am going to work writing up a couple stories if I can think of something to write about. Which will take most of the day. I enjoy writing once the words start to flow.

With that, you all take care and have a great day. In spite of it being a bit gloomy. Every day is what you make it. GW

You can reach George Walters at: [email protected]

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