Not too much is happening today, actually. The temperature however is still above the freezing mark, which in turn is melting our snow quite fast. Another week or so it should be gone, that is if these temperatures hold the way they are now. Highway 522 is bare and mostly dry this morning, which will make travelling a go. Gas prices have dropped a wee bit in the past two days in North Bay, but it’s still higher than it should be. It was up $1.96 a Litre now it is sitting at $1.84 a Litre. Canada is sure a crazy country to be living in at the moment, with some of our powers that be not knowing what they are doing. But in reality, it’s always been that way, It’s just a bit more pronounced these days.
On another note, I worked steadily on a couple more stories I had in mind yesterday for my columns, and will continue on doing the same today. A couple more days I should have enough ahead for summer. Which will be nice as I won’t have to sit in front of my computer when the weather gets nice. Front porch sittin’ isn’t that far off.
With that, I am off for a bowl of oatmeal that my lovely wife is making for me, and will then get to work. Take care and have a great day. GW
You can reach George Walters at: [email protected]