So how you all doing this morning? Good I hope. Starting things off here this morning, weather wise, it is cloudy with some light showers. It did rain off and on throughout the night. Which got rid of most of our snow. It’s about 98% gone now. The ice on the lakes is about 75% gone. Most rivers and streams have melted completely. It’s time to put the snowmobiles away for another year. The good news is, while the snowmobiles go into storage, the 4 Wheelers get dusted off and ready. I don’t have one myself. I wished I did, but with the price of them, I can’t afford one. I have been searching for a used one, but so far none has come available. But such is life, you can’t have everything. The temperature getting out of bed was sitting at 3.7 C | 38.66 F. It will warm up some as the day moves forward. I don’t suspect we will be seeing much sunshine for the next 4 days.
On another note, my wife was busy yesterday raking all our gardens and the lawn around our house, along with cutting back some plants that we didn’t get to last fall. Sure looks nice now and just in time. As with the rain we had last night, things are really looking nice now. Our Tulips are starting to come up, and our snow drops are out in bloom And our grass is turning green, which is what I like to see. I am tired of white.
On another note, it’s that time of year again for the Masters. If you enjoy golf, this is the event to watch. My wife and I sure enjoy it and can’t wait for it to begin, which starts at 10:30 AM today, and runs through till Sunday afternoon. For 4 days every April, my wife and I sit back, put our feet up, and enjoy. They sure keep the course beautiful, and we enjoy taking in what nature has to offer.
So with that I am off for a bowl of cereal and will then get the television set up to watch the Golf Game of the Year. Have a great day and stay safe, this virus is starting to take hold now, and the hospitals are filling up. Even in our area, it is taking its toll on folks. GW