What’s Happening On May 5/2022

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It’s a really nice looking day here in Port Loring, Ontario. The sun is shinning, hardly no wind to speak off, the birds are chirping, and the grass is growing. Damn forgot I have to get my mowers running. There is always something that needs doing. Oh well, it’s better than shovelling snow. And truth be told, there is nothing that smells nicer than fresh cut grass, or hay for that matter.

Highway 522 is picking up with traffic these days. Lots of campers and boats moving into our area. Folks are leaving the cities for the country life, and I can’t rightly say I blame them.

On another note, I have been really busy working on an old trailer I made a few years ago. I took some before pictures and will take some after its finished pictures and let you have a look once I have it complete. We are going to situate it in front of our home out by the Highway. Should be a nice vocal point for sure.

Other than people getting into summer mode, not too much else happening in and around our community. With that, I am off for a boiled egg and a piece of toast that my lovely wife is preparing for me, and will then get to work. Sure nice being outside with the warm sunshine for a change. Stay safe, this virus is still taking its toll on folks here in town. GW

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