What’s Happening On June 6/2022

It’s a cloudy, rainy day here in Port Loring, Ontario. And on top of that it is quite cool outside with the temperature getting out of bed sitting at … 11.1 C | 51.98 F. It will warm up a wee bit as the day progresses but not much. The rain will also stay with us for today and most of tomorrow. So … knowing that, I don’t suspect I will be doing too much outside work. Being so cool, we had to turn on our oil furnace for the past two mornings to take out the dampness and warm things up a bit. Here it is June and still have to be heating our home. Weird weather these days, for sure. But it’s better than shovelling snow. Highway 522 is a touch busy at certain times of the day, but not as busy as it has been other years. I suspect it’s because of the gas prices and government doings. I could say more on the subject, but they aren’t worth the energy I waste on talking about them.

The blackflies are pretty well all gone now, and the mosquitoes. If you’re in the sunshine, they, aren’t all that bad. My wife and I worked on our front deck all day yesterday, and they didn’t bother us at all. Which was nice. It was a really nice day yesterday, the sun was shinning down upon us, along with not being too hot or too cold. Great day. Today is a different story. We did get all the underneath things fixed up with our deck, looks like new now. Once it warms up some and the rain stops, I will then put on the new boards for the top. After that, we should be good for a few more years. I hope. They sure don’t put out lumber like they used to, that’s for sure. And the price … man, for what I paid for the lumber I could have bought a new car years ago. LOL Sheesh.

Today I will take a much-needed rest and nurse my body, which it needs right now. You would think I would learn after so many years. My lovely wife is constantly telling me to take it easy. The thing is, I know better, and I also know she is right. Crazy the way the mind works sometimes. Anyway, I am off for a bowl of cereal and will then … maybe tinker around in the old woodworking shop for a bit. It needs some cleaning and things. I will see how I feel. Take care and stay safe. GW

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