What’s Happening On June 17/2022

Good Morning!

It’s a really nice day here in Port Loring, Ontario, Canada. The sun is shinning, things have cooled down some, and the humidity has left us. What could be better than that? Not much in my eyes. It will warm up a wee bit as the day moves forward. Nice weather for doing some outside work. Not that I can do much at the moment. And my lovely wife has been feeling poorly too, she has been overdoing things. So in all reality, we both have to take it a bit easy these days. Yesterday we both got the mowing of our property out of the way, but it took all we had to do it. Today we will open up our store and take things a bit easy. Chatting to customers that drop by for a visit. We have a real good selection of new items this year, which I am thinking will impress a lot of buyers and friends. As I have said in other posts … it is a small store, but it is loaded up with unique, one of a kind items and once I feel better I will get to making a lot more. We will see how that goes.

Highway 522 is getting busier every day in spite of the gas prices being so high. What will happen now after raising it up to $2.20 a Litre they will drop it down to around $2.00 a litre and everyone will be happy. That’s the way they do things in this country, and with so many folks having blinders on, they can’t see what these companies are doing. It was the same as bringing in the metric system, as it fools people into thinking they are getting a great deal, when they really honestly aren’t. Sign of the times, for sure.

So with that bit of info under your hat, I am off for a boiled egg and a piece of toast and will then ease my way into things. Take care and stay safe. GW

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