What’s Happening In and Around Port Loring, Ontario, Canada on Oct29/2022

Good Morning!

Had a game of checkers with my old friend yesterday. You have to watch him all the time, as he has a tendency of cheating a bit when you’re not looking.

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So how you all doing this morning? Good I hope. It is that time of year, when the older you get, the more the old bones hurt. Least it seems that way for me. Especially the damp, cold weather. Years ago a lot of Canadians headed off to Arizona for winter, where it is dry and warm as the dry weather made life more bearable. Myself, I have never been there, as most of the time years ago we headed on down to Florida. It’s a lot warmer down there. We also had a cottage there in Sarasota. It is getting built up now, which makes it hard to get around. But back in the 60s it was the place to be. I had a lot of good times while there. Amazing really that we were able to get there every winter. It wasn’t that we had a lot of extra cash, neither. Today when we could go we don’t, well … not all that much. It makes me kind of wonder about that. Highway 522 is bare, dry and quiet this morning. There are a few hunters moving around taking in the sights, The temperature waking up wasn’t as cool as yesterday, with it sitting at 3.3 C | 37.94 F. It will warm up as the day moves forward, and we should be seeing lots of sunshine, which will be nice, as I love sunshine.

On another note, I did light up my old shop stove yesterday, got it nice and warm in there, and never did anything. It was one of those days. It seems it takes me a day to recover from our trip to North Bay, whenever we go for groceries. Maybe it’s the shock from what it cost us for things, Ha ha. This morning I lit it again and after breakfast I will get to work on a project I am wanting to make for my lovely wife. It’s an old Cobblers Bench. They are a lot of work making, as I have made a few over the years for customers, but this one is for us. Which we will put in front of our couch here in the living room. It’s going to be like a Jersey Cow. As Jerseys have all the extras. Another old saying we had on the farm years ago. Ha ha.

With that I am off for a bowl of Porridge and a muffin and will then see what the day has in store, other than what I have planned. Seems no matter what I start off with, things somehow change a wee bit. Have a great day and stay safe.

In Closing, I Would Like To Wish You Well. GW

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