Not A Bad Day.

Well had a pretty good day here for a change, weather wise. Temperatures got up to around 60 most the day. Also had sunshine for most the day too. Later in the afternoon I looked up in the sky and seen some Mares Tails,  which in other words is clouds that looks like a Mares Tail.   That is a sure sign that rain is on the way in the next 24 hours or so.  Also the old weathers stick is pointed down so another sign of rain.   One doesn’t really need to watch the weather on TV to find out what the weather will be if he or she just pays a bit of attention to the sky and different things around them.  Old ways but good ways.  Winds today were from the SW light. Also the moon was full the past day or so,  or almost,  so this time of year with the full moon the weather usually changes,  which is usually colder.   So far this year we have had around three good frosts.   Got the old wood furnace going here all day today  and it sure feels good.  Takes the dampness right out of the old bones.  Talk soon.

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