
Yep you guessed it. Rained here all day again. Oh well had a dry summer so the old trees and thing needs to store up for winter.  Reason for everything they say.   Temperatures got up to 45 today with winds out of the NW, light.   I had about four cords of white oak that I got from a good friend a couple years ago so put it in the basement for winter. I don’t know about that stuff as it just wouldn’t burn.  It was dry enough but just wouldn’t burn.  After burning firewood for heat for over fifty years never had such a thing. So I came up with a plan today. Went out to the wood shed and brought in my splitting ax and went to work. Managed to split the whole four cords so I got to tell  you there should be no problem now with burning it. Should be good enough for kindling, just kindin. On another note the leaves off all the hardwoods have pretty well had their day.  Sure was pretty this Fall taking them all in. One thing about up here we have about two scenes to take in. First the Maples come on with all their splendor, then the white birch and tamarack start loosing their leaves and needles.  I just can’t seem to get enough of it.     Talk Later.

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