That Time Of Year

Well it’s that time of year most of the things in my  garden has been dug and put away for winter.  I got most mine in a week ago but left the turnips and Brussel Sprouts to last.   I like them to have a touch of frost, seems to make them sweeter.  I have had a lot of folks ask me in the past week how to prepare them for winter. Some folks cover them with wax for myself I find that to much work and to costly.  That’s me though.   What I do is I dig them and then cut off the tops leaving about three or four inches of stem.  I also leave the roots with a touch of dirt on them. Just a few shakes after digging takes off what is necessary. No need to waste all the good earth in ones garden.  I then put them in my root cellar.  I try and keep it around the forty degree mark that seems to be the magic number for vegetables to keep for a few months.  Once in there they will keep most the winter but when they do start to get a wee bit soft my wife takes them, cuts them into quarters and blanches them.  Then puts them in meal size plastic bags and throws them in the freezer. No waste.   More Later.

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