Well compared to yesterday we got a cold day. Picked up an old light which I put out back by my bird feeder. A friend of ours have one out by theirs and it gave us the idea. As every night they get flying squirrels that come for a meal. I didn’t even know they lived in this neck of the woods and we live in the woods. This way we will be able to have a look see. It also gets pretty dark on the one side of the house that faces the bush so this will light up things a wee bit. Also might be able to get a glimpse of the deer as they come through during the night. Things like this that don’t cost anything other than an hour of hydro each night makes for an interesting life. Got the light hooked up and brought in some firewood for the shop so pretty well set for the day. Home made chicken noodle soup is on the old cook stove so one can’t ask for anything more than that. Pretty rough life huh? Talk Soon.