The Economy Here In Canada

You know for the past few months now all that I have heard is how bad our economy really is.  I for one don’t really think it’s as bad as some would have us believe. Sure we have lost tons of jobs but that isn’t because the economy is bad, it’s happening because we don’t make or do anything for ourselves anymore here in Canada and when other countries get into hard times we feel it.  What we need is to be a lot more self efficient and start looking after ourselves.  Some folks say well that is being selfish, I say it’s not that way at all, as one has to look after themselves before they can help others.  That’s a fact.  I also think the media has every one so paranoid that they don’t know what to do.  If you think back a few years we had a recession and it was worse than the one we are in now.  So what to do?  Well sure save a bit of money for a rainy day and sure pay off them debts, but don’t let it stop you from living a good healthy life.  If everyone starts to hord their money, you can bet no good will become of it.  And remember this, don’t believe everything the Powers That Be is telling you, especially a liberal view on things.  My old Dad always told me, “George you got a mind of your own, you don’t need anyone else doing your thinking for ya.”     My Opinion Only

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