Pharmaceutical Drugs here in Canada

Pharmaceutical Drugs here in Canada has mushroomed in the past few years.  For the good?  Well….. through my eyes it isn’t.  I feel it has gotten way out of hand.  Folks are being given drugs for everything and through my eyes for most parts most folks would do well with out them..  Thing is folks have gotten their minds swayed into thinking that when ever the Powers That Be’s speak, they should take it as gospel.  Don’t get me wrong there is a place for some of these drugs just one has to make darn sure they know what they are putting into their body before they take it upon themselves to do it.  So there you go my vent fo the day.  Here is the article that just came out concering how much drugs are being used here in Canada today.  My Opinion Only. Take A Look.

A report released by a drug-tracking firm reveals that prescription drug use among Canadians was higher in 2008 than in any previous year. The report, released on March 26 by IMS Health, a worldwide pharmaceutical-tracking company, assesses pharmaceutical use by tracking the number of prescriptions dispensed by pharmacists annually.

IMS estimates that Canadians spent $21.4 billion on prescription medications in 2008, up from $20.2 billion in 2007. Pharmacists in 10 Canadian provinces filled 453 million prescriptions in 2008, up 7.1% over the previous year. For 33.2 million Canadians, that’s an average of nearly 14 prescriptions per citizen. Hmmmm makes one think huh?

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