Garden Update Here In Port Loring Ontario

Well looks like we are in for some warmer sunnier weather in the coming weeks.  Sure needed too if we want to get any tomatoes and things.  Got lots on my vines just small and not turning red yet. But that all will change if we get a few days of sunshine and warmth.  Zucchini is looking good and been eating it for the past two weeks now. Got to say they sure are tasty too.   Cucumbers are just starting, so think they will be ok too just need a few week of growing season to get them to size.   Cauliflower is coming along, picked one head yesterday for supper.  I like it raw with home made garlic dip.  Good for ya too.  Brussels Sprouts are starting to take form, but they are late anyways, so I am thinking they will be ok also.  Carrots are real good this year, we been eating them to for the past week.  Real tasty.  Herbs also are growing real well this year in-spite of the wet, cool, sunless, weather.  Beans it seems is going to be down from last year.  Might have to move my location next year too.  But the word is that beans is not so good anywhere this year.  But that can change. Mine are out in blossom now, so still lots of time.  Shouldn’t  jump the gun with a prediction I guess, as old Mother Nature has a way of doing things all on her own.  Strawberries are over, but had a real good crop this year. Got a bunch in the freezer and have made up some nice jam already, and, gave our boys a couple jars for a taste. More jam will come later.  Rasberries are on now and have been  picking a bowl a night.  I don’t have to many plants, I got rid of my old ones and planted some thornless ones.  Got to say they sure are nice and sweet. Real old variety but strong and they don’t cross to easily with the wild ones, which grows in abundance around my home here, which isn’t a good thing.   They grow up to around six feet tall these ones.  Nice to pick too, being thornless.   Well guess that’s it for now on the garden update.  All and all not a bad year so far.  Even the store is going ok now.  Was  a bit slow in the beginning, but picking up now. The last few days  cars were lined up in the driveway.  So……………………….not complaining in that department.  Talk Soon

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