Mold & What To Do About It

Today most folks or the Powers That Be say Mold isn’t good for you.  I suspect in some cases they are right, but for us living in the country or on the farm it has been part of us for most our lives.  Where ever there is dampness one will find mold.  I am inclined to believe that if you haven’t grown up with it, well then it will bother some of you as your body hasn’t become accustomed to it.  For those though that doesn’t want it around I have found a simple way of getting rid of it on your basement walls or where ever.  What to do is, just take some  good old Borax, you know the box with the old mules on it, mix some up, put it in a spray bottle and get to spraying your walls and things. None Toxic and Problem solved.    Now for those that is getting lazy and gathering mold sitting around the house, well sunshine is the answer to that.  Hmm, maybe I shouldn’t have said like that, but…….wouldn’t be me if I didn’t.

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