Two-thirds of Canadians Want to Work After Retirement????

Well that is what they said us older folks said in a poll taken the other day.  Now let me walk you through this a bit, as in reality there is a ploy setting this scenario up.   What has happened here hidden from ones eyes, or so they would like you to believe, is that most seniors would like to stay working after sixty fife.  The reason for this is so they don’t have to pay you your pension which you are entitled to as of now.  Thing is folks, even for myself I want to do some work, but its not work that says I have to work from nine to five. Its work of my own choosing, work that lets me work when I want and when I want.   Maybe I should say it isn’t work at all, its something that I look forward to doing each day, a reason to get out of bed.  To enjoy nature, family, friends. pick up that pole and go fishing, bring in firewood, it could be any or all of them things.  That is what most of us meant when this poll was taken.  So don’t be fooled, but make sure you say what you mean when asked a question, as today folks have a way of twisting words for the good of them only.  My opinion only.

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