Germany’s coalition government agreed early Monday to shut down all the country’s nuclear power plants by 2022, the environment minister said, making it the first major industrialised power to go nuclear-free since the Japanese disaster. Here in Canada we have. First off just Ontario alone has. 1-Bruce and Douglas Point, 2-Pickering, 3-Darlington, 4-Gentilly, 5-Point Lepreau, 6-NPD. Douglas Point, Gentilly 1. And the rest are located at; 1-Univ Alberta, Edmonton (S), 2-Saskatchewan Research Council, Saskatoon (S), 3-AECL Whiteshell (WR-1, S Demo), 4-McMaster Univ, Hamilton (P), 5-Univ. Toronto (S), 6-Royal Military College, Kingston (S), 7-AECL Chalk River Laboratories (NRU, NRX, PTR, ZED-2, ZEEP), 8-Nordion, Kanata (S), 9-Ecole Polytechnique, Montreal (S), 10-Dalhousie Univ., Halifax (S). S=Slowpoke II (20 kw); P=Swimming Pool (5 MW). AECL’s Whiteshell reactors. In other words any one of them large commercial ones would have the potential to wipe out most of all Canada if a disaster were to hit.
Now do you think Canada will start thinking the right way like Germany? Not for awhile that’s for sure as Canada loves nuclear power, even feeds it to people telling them it heals them. Only you are the ones that can stop this. You alone have to take the reigns back and become your own keeper. Don’t be afraid to stand up for yourselves and what is right. My opinion only.