Now here is an Email that shows folks what they really get when you find a dozen of them Emails that say. Send this Email and you will be healthy, wealthy or your higher power will save you, all that rubbish. Read on this one is true.
Many people will walk in and out of your life but only a true friend will leave footprints on your computer!
Forward this message to 5 other people…… And you will get…….Bugger all! That’s right bugger all. Your Higher Power won’t save you, you won’t get good luck or a nice surprise, 5 grand or a bloody holiday in Jamaica , just bugger all….. it’s true…… It works…..! I sent it and I got…….. Bugger all. Yes that’s right. Absolutely BUGGER all.
Don’t break the chain! It’s the only one of these things that actually does what it says!